Kimura Ryouhei japán
1984. július 30. (Tokyo, Japan) –
Teljes név | 木村 良平 Kimura Ryōhei |
Nem | férfi |
Wikipédia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ry%C5%8Dhei_Kimura |
Kedvencelte 2
Szerepei 155
My Happy Marriage Season 2 · わたしの幸せな結婚 (Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season)
Tsuruki Arata (hang)
Tsuruki Arata (hang)
Natsume's Book of Friends Season 7 / Natsume Yuujinchou Season 7 / Natsume's Book of Friends Seven · 夏目友人帳 漆
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
The Rookie Middle-Aged Adventurer Was Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party to Become Invincible / The Middle-Aged Newbie Adventurer, Trained to the Brink of Death by the Strongest Party, Became Unbeatable · 新米オッサン冒険者、最強パーティに死ぬほど鍛えられて無敵になる。
Raster Diarmuit (hang)
Raster Diarmuit (hang)
My Happy Marriage / My Blissful Marriage · わたしの幸せな結婚 (Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon)
Tsuruki Arata (hang)
Tsuruki Arata (hang)
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon: The Second Act · 半妖の夜叉姫 -戦国御伽草子- 弐の章 / Hanyou no Yashahime: Sengoku Otogizoushi 2nd Season
Kohaku (hang)
Kohaku (hang)
Uta no Prince-sama Movie: Maji Love Kingdom, UtaPri Movie · 劇場版 うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVEキングダム
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Natsume's Book of Friends Movie: Tied to the Temporal World · 劇場版 夏目友人帳 ~うつせみに結ぶ~
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
High Kyuu!! Movie 3 / Haikyuu!! Movie 3: Genius and Sense / Haikyuu!! Second Season Recap / Haikyuu!! Recap 3 · ハイキュー!! 才能とセンス
Bokuto Koutarou (hang)
Bokuto Koutarou (hang)
Winter Cup Highlights Episode 3 – Winter Cup Highlights -Crossing the Door- / Kuroko's Basketball Movie 3: Winter Cup Highlights - Crossing the Door · 劇場版「黒子のバスケ」ウインターカップ総集編~扉の向こう~
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Winter Cup Highlights Episode 2 – Winter Cup Highlights -Beyond the Tears- / Kuroko's Basketball Movie 2: Winter Cup Highlights - Beyond the Tears · 劇場版「黒子のバスケ」ウインターカップ総集編~涙の先へ~
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Uta no Prince Sama Legend Star, Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love Fourth Season, UtaPri 4 · うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪マジLOVE レジェンドスター
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Winter Cup Highlights Episode 1 – Winter Cup Highlights -Shadow and Light- / Kuroko's Basketball Movie 1: Winter Cup Highlights - Shadow and Light · 劇場版「黒子のバスケ」ウインターカップ総集編~影と光~
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Aoharu x Machinegun Special / Aoharu x Machine Gun Special / Aoharu x Machine Gun: Battlefield of Beasts · 青春×機関銃 獣たちの戦場
Fujimoto Takatora (hang)
Fujimoto Takatora (hang)
Kuroko's Basketball: It's the Best Present / Kuroko no Basket Episode 75.5 · 黒子のバスケ〜最高のプレゼントです〜
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kuroko's Basketball 3rd Season Bloopers / Kuroko no Basuke 3rd Season Bloopers · 黒子のバスケ3期 NG集
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Uta no Prince Sama Revolutions, Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 3, UtaPri 3, · うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪マジLOVEレボリューションズ
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Hyuuga Yamato (hang)
Kuroko no Basket: 41.5Q / Kuroko no Basket Special / Kuroko's Basketball: Can we do that one more · 黒子のバスケ 「もう一回やりませんか」
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Natsume's Book of Friends: Nyanko-sensei and the First Errand · 夏目友人帳新作アニメDVD
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
Nishimura Satoru (hang)
Kuroko's Basketball OVA / Kuroko no Basket OVA, Kuroko no Basket OAD / Kuroko's Basketball: A Monkey Can't Win! · 黒子のバスケ バカじゃ勝てないのよ!
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
You're Being Summoned, Azazel Z / Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. 2nd Season · よんでますよ、アザゼルさん。Z
Osanai Osamu (hang)
Osanai Osamu (hang)
Kuroko's Basketball Special / Kuroko no Basket Special / Kuroko no Basket Episode 22.5 · 黒子のバスケ 第22.5Q 「Tip off」
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kuroko's Basketball Specials / Kuroko no Basket NG Collection / Kuroko no Basket Specials / Kuroko no Basuke Bloopers · 黒子のバスケNG集
Kise Ryouta (hang)
Kise Ryouta (hang)
I Don't Have Many Friends OVA · 僕は友達が少ない 第0語 / 僕は友達が少ない 闇鍋は美少女が残念な臭い (Boku ha Tomodachi ga Sukunai OVA / Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai OVA / Haganai OVA
Hasegawa Kodaka (hang)
Hasegawa Kodaka (hang)
Fafner: Heaven and Earth, Fafner Movie · 蒼穹のファフナー Dead Aggressor ~Heaven and Earth~
Kurusu Misao (hang)
Kurusu Misao (hang)
Eden of The East the Movie II: Paradise Lost · 東のエデン 劇場版II Paradise Lost / Higashi no Eden: Gekijouban II Paradise Lost
Takizawa Akira (hang)
Takizawa Akira (hang)
Eden of The East the Movie I: The King of Eden · 東のエデン 劇場版I The King of Eden / Higashi no Eden: Gekijouban I The King of Eden
Takizawa Akira (hang)
Takizawa Akira (hang)
Eden of The East Compilation: Air Communication /Compilation Movie · 東のエデン 総集編 Air Communication
Takizawa Akira (hang)
Takizawa Akira (hang)