Sarah hazaköltözik a szüleihez két gyermekével, Drew-val és Amber-rel együtt, hogy náluk szedje össze magát egy kicsit, mielőtt új életet kezdene a válása után. Adam, Sarah testvére ráadásul eközben szintén családi gondokkal küzd. A kisfia, Max, csak kalózjelmezben hajlandó iskolába menni és… [tovább]
Vásott szülők (2010–2015) 24★
Képek 32
Kedvencelte 12
Várólistára tette 111
Népszerű idézetek
Kristina: – You know what the problem is for mothers?
Sarah: – Daughters.
Kristina: – Daughters.
Julia: – Amen.
*Joel készül a Hobbi napra az iskolában, de nincs semmi ötlete és kifakad.*
Joel: – I don't have a hobby, because I don't have… I don't have a life!
Zeek: – Now, what the hell are you talking about?
Joel: – My whole life is Sydney, Zeek! I mean, I wake her up, I get her ready for school. I take her. And then I do laundry and then I pick her up from school. It's dinner, bath, bedtime, and then wake up the next morning, I do it all over again. It's just… That's my job! You know, and now apparently my job is to be the cool dad with the cool hobby to impress all her friends! So, I mean, what am I going to do, I'm going to show them how to use fabric softener properly?
Zeek: – Joel, I mean really, these kids are kindergartners, all right? You could light your own fart and they'd think you were Einstein.
Amber: – Listen… Every time there's like a big thing like this, I always mess it up, and I'm so tired of messing up.
Adam: – Amber. Life will knock you down more time than you can possibly imagine. Don't knock yourself down. Don't avoid feeling embarrassed because you're afraid something's not gonna go well. So what if it doesn't go well? So what? Amber, you are a wonderful, talented, and a really smart young woman. All right? Put yourself out there. Give yourself a chance.
Julia: – (…) can I ask you guys something? When did your children start lying to you?
Sarah: – Uh, it was in the hospital, I think. Amber was born and she said, „It wasn't my vodka!”
Zeek: – I think your mom's going to forgive me.
Adam: – I wouldn't. But then again, I haven't been married for 46 years.
Adam: – What are you looking at?
Kristina: – Nothing.
Adam: – Honey, what are you…
Kristiba: – It's nothing.
Adam: – What? What are you looking
at puppies for?
Kristina: – We always talked about getting a dog.
Adam: – No. No, we didn't.
Kristina: – Yes, we did.
Adam: – No, we haven't.
Kristina: – Adam. Look at how cute this guy…
Adam: – Oh, come on, honey, I know that you miss Haddie, but really? (…) What's going on here?
Kristina: – Nothing. Nothing. I'm just looking.
Adam: – Okay.
Kristina: – I'm not saying we're going to get a dog. We're talking about a dog.
Adam: – We're talking about getting a dog?
Kristina: – Mm-hmm.
Adam: – Honey, I love dogs, but I also know what a royal pain in the ass having a puppy can be.
Kristina: – They're cute. They're cuddly.
Adam: – That guy is going to destroy my house. He's gonna crap all over the place.
Kristina: – So what? So do you.
Hank; – It wasn't nothing. You're funny. You're pretty, you're nice… I like talking to you.