Etero egy ötvenes éveihez közeledő, független nő, aki egy eldugott faluban saját boltot vezet. Férjezett barátnői, akik számára a család a minden, egyfajta felsőbbrendűséggel tekintenek rá; Etero azonban mindennél jobban becsüli a szabadságát. Egy nap éppen szedret szed, amikor majdnem halálos… [tovább]
Rigó, rigó, szederinda (2023) 12★
110' · svájci, grúz · dráma 16 !
Képek 22
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 31
Népszerű idézetek
– Happy retirement will be my vacation.
– What does that look like, Etero?
– I have my legs crossed. No worries on my mind. I'll read books…I'll even improve my English. But first I'll build a little house with a big terrace. With a view of the river. I'll buy a photo camera. I'll take pictures.
– Pictures of what?
– Mist on the mountains. A flower in the garden. Snow-covered persimmons left on trees. Do you realize how much beauty is around us?
– I want to be like you when I'm your age, Etero.
– After this girl's wedding night, her mother-in-law wanted to check her bed sheets for blood. There was nothing to see! The girl swore that some women are born without a hymen…
– That man asked who this plump woman is. He said she couldn't be married.
– Tell him he's right and that she doesn't plan to be. Also tell him that if marriage and dicks brought happiness, many women would be happy. But look around, who's happy here?