A sorozat középpontjában Mindy Lahiri nőgyógyász áll; az ő pikáns és vicces elemekkel tarkított szakma-, ill. kacifántos és megmosolyogtató történésekben gazdag személyes szférájába nyerhetünk bepillantást.
The Mindy Project (2012–2017) 8★
Képek 3
Kedvencelte 3
Várólistára tette 41
Kiemelt értékelések
Az első két évadot nagyon szerettem, mostanában viszont nagyon akadozik nálam. A harmadikat még végignéztem, de a negyediket kétszer abbahagytam. Remélem visszatér a régi színvonal egyszer, mert egy nagyon egyedi és jó stílusú sorozatnak tartom.
Imádtam Mindy karakterét és a bénázásait, de szerintem nem tett jót a sorozatnak az, hogy spoiler
(A spoileres részt csak azok olvassák el, akik már látták a 3. évad végéig )
Népszerű idézetek
Mindy: Your secret is safe with me. Largely because I don’t care, and I’ll probably forget.
Mindy: Can I trust you?
Jody: I'm great with kids. My Uncle Randy got kicked in the head by a mule. He had the brain of an infant. Took care of him for years, and now he's a Mississippi state senator.
Jeremy: Do you know why I'm wearing this string of pearls?
Mindy: You're trans.
Jeremy: No. No, it's to remind me to stay strong, like my idol, Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady.
Mindy: Iron Man's wife?
[5x02 – Nurses' Strike]
Tim: Hey, man. What gives? Anna just said that she doesn't wanna reconcile.
Jeremy: Did she? Gosh, I'm so sorry. That's awful.
Tim: She was all cool until she started talking to you. I don't know what you said, but do you even have the Bro Code in England?
Jeremy: Yeah, we have the original Bro Code. The Magna Carta.
Morgan: What's up, Colette? You gonna kick me out of here too?
Colette: Yeah, but just because you can't sleep in phlebotomy. It's full of blood, urine and a skeleton.
Morgan: So what? So am I.
Colette: That's a good point.
Mindy: Why do I smell cookies? Am I having a stroke?
You know what? If it smells this good, bring it on.
Mindy: Well, Mrs. Hegarty, I'll actually be the one doing your blood draw today.
Mrs. Hegarty: Uh, but where's Morgan? He named all my veins. Harold is his favorite.
Mindy: Ha, Harold the vein.
You know, you're actually in much better hands with me, 'cause I'm a real doctor.
Columbia Medical School, Princeton University. Indians are famously smart.
You're gonna be fine. This is actually the best goddamn day of your life.
All right, let's get in here.
Mrs. Hegarty: Ow. Ow. Ow.
Mindy: That did not work. Yeah, that was a birthmark, not a vein.
Mrs. Hegarty: Ow! That hurt.
Mindy: God, I don't know why this is so hard. You know, I practiced on my neighbor's cat last night.
Ben: So, how did that happen to Leo? I couldn't really understand from your message.
Mindy: What? I thought I was very clear. I got stuck under my own butt trying to do yoga, and Leo tripped when he was running to get help.
Ben: Yeah, no, you were clear then.
Mindy: In Philadelphia? That's almost in another state.
Ben: It is definitely in another state. Pennsylvania.
Mindy: Oh, right, where Dracula lives.