Brittany lefutja a maratont (2019) 10

Brittany Runs a Marathon
103' · amerikai · dráma 16

A derűs és barátságos Brittany Forgler, mindenki legjobb barátja – leszámítva saját magát. A bulizások, a munkanélküliség és a mérgező kapcsolatai megnehezítik az életét. Konditeremre nincs pénze, de túl büszke, hogy segítséget kérjen. Már majdnem feladja, amikor a szomszédja ráveszi, hogy… [tovább]



Jillian BellBrittany
Kate ArringtonCici
Michaela WatkinsCatherine
Alice LeeGretchen
Micah StockSeth
Utkarsh AmbudkarJern
Peter VackRyan

Kedvencelte 2

Várólistára tette 13

Népszerű idézetek


orvos: I want you to try losing between 45 to 55 pounds.
Brittany: That's the weight of a siberian husky. You want me to pull a medium-sized working dog off of my body, is that right?


Brittany: I'm broke, I'm fat, my liver's shutting down or something. And I applied to rescue a dog from a kill shelter, and they told me that I couldn't give the dog the kind of future it deserved. A kill shelter.


Catherine: Life's hard. I mean, when I was your age, I was such a wreck. Have you ever woken up on the ground and relized that the pillow that you were sleeping on was a dead rat?
Brittany: It's New York City. I've slept… Yes, I've slept on a rat.


Seth: I went on my first run, and in six weeks, I'm running a 5K.
Brittany: Why are you doing that to yourself? You're gonna lose that thing.
Seth: The race? You don't do it to win it. You do it to finish it.


Brittany: Dating sucks. It's just not for me. I was always jealous of girls who were, like, always going on dates, and it's such a time suck. Like, we all end up single anyway.
Jern: Have you heard of marriage?

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