A rendőrség politikai csoportjának frissen kinevezett vezetője egy erotikus játék során „véletlenül” meggyilkolja a szeretőjét. Amikor őt magát bízzák meg a gyilkosság felderítésével szinte sportot űz abból, hogy mindenütt nyomokat hagyjon maga után, hogy lássa, mikor jön el az a pillanat,… [tovább]
Vizsgálat egy minden gyanú felett álló polgár ügyében (1970) 16★
112' · olasz · dráma, krimi, szatíra 16 !
Képek 19
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 23
Népszerű idézetek
– Have a drink. The champagne will help clear your mind.
– My mind is already clear! I'm innocent.
– We understand.
– She killed herself just to get me in trouble. Yes!
– Yes.
– Or maybe she lost her balance. She must have been dizzy. I don't know!
– You pushed her.
– No, I was asleep, just like I was when you found me. I was asleep. And besides, I'm a violent type. I would've strangled that bitch!
– We are the protectors of the law, and it should be immutable, carved in stone. The populace lacks maturity. The city is sick. Let others take up the task of healing and educating. Our duty is to repress them! Repression is our vaccine! Repression is civilization!
– Everyone becomes a child again, especially in the presence of the established authorities. In my presence, because I represent power. Straighten up! The law. Sit up! The law. All laws, both known and unknown. The suspect becomes a child again…And I become the father, the unassailable model. My face becomes god's face, the face of your conscience.