Egy téli vihar miatt öt barát egy faházban ragad a semmi közepén, ahol nincs áram és kevés az élelem, ráadásul mindannyian attól félnek, hogy a hó maga is fertőzött vagy valahogyan gonosz.
Snow Falls (2023) 6★
Képek 10
Jonathan Bennett | Jace |
Johnny Berchtold | River |
Victoria Moroles | Em |
Anna Grace Barlow | Eden |
Colton Tran | Kit |
Patrick Fabian | River apja |
James Gaisford | Andy |
Várólistára tette 24
Kiemelt értékelések
Népszerű idézetek
– Yeah, well, Kit refuses to wear a seatbelt, which I think is worse.
– Well, I'm sorry that I like to live on the edge, okay? Plus, it's natural selection, so…
– Natural selection.
– I mean, people need organ donors. Right, Eden?
– Dude, chill, okay? You're probably, like, one of those weirdos who wears, like, two condoms or something.
– If he ever had any sex.
– Look, we walked a while, the roads are really bad. There's no way a car is gonna make it.
– Yeah, you guys, there's… „snow” way out.