Maria (2024) 1

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A világ egyik leghíresebb operaénekesnője Maria Callas, aki 1977-ben, 53 évesen szívrohamban hunyt el Párizsban. A filmben életének utolsó hetét követjük nyomon, amiben a görög származású énekes nyilvánosság felé mutatott imázsa és a magánélete, a díva és a sebezhető ember közötti határvonal… [tovább]

angol · magyar

Képek 69


Angelina JolieMaria Callas
Haluk BilginerAristotle Onassis
Valeria GolinoYakinthi Callas
Kodi Smit-McPheeMandrax
Pierfrancesco FavinoFerrucio Mezzadri
Alba RohrwacherBruna Lipoli
Christiana AloneftisMaria 1947-ben
Alessandro BressanelloGiovanni Battista Meneghini
Aggelina PapadopoulouMaria 1940-ben
Hrisztov Tomaoperarajongó

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 40

Népszerű idézetek


Maria: Doctors often label revelation as illness, when in fact it is a form of sanity they don't understand. Right?


Mandrax: And why do you want to sing again?
Maria: Oh, because music is so enormous. It envelops you in a state of torture.
Mandrax: That is a reason?
Maria: Mm-mm. Music is born of misery. Of suffering. Happiness never produced a beautiful melody. It seems, music is born of distress. And poverty.


Maria: (to JFK)Well, I don't have many people with devices finding things out, but I do know that you and I belong to a very, very small group of lucky angels who can go anywhere we want in this world. But we can never, ever get away. Doesn't make us friends though.


Dr. Fontainebleau: I'm begging you to see reason.
Maria: My life is opera. There is no reason in opera.


Maria: We are Greek. Death is our familiar companion.

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