Jelenetek a bábuk életéből (1980) 10

From the Life of the Marionettes · Aus dem Leben der Marionetten
104' · nyugatnémet, svéd · dráma 18 !

Peter Egermann brutálisan meggyilkol egy prostituáltat, majd közösül a hullával. A film nem időrendi sorrendben próbálja kideríteni, mi lehetett a gazdag, jóképű Peter indítéka. Megjelenik előttünk az aggódó pszichiáter, a csodaszép feleség, a meleg szívű anya, valamint a jó barát, és már nem is… [tovább]

Képek 24


Robert AtzornPeter Egermann
Christine BucheggerKatarina Egermann
Martin BenrathMogens Jensen professzor
Rita RussekKatharina Kraft
Lola MüthelCordelia Egermann
Walter SchmidingerTim Mandelbaum
Heinz BennentArthur Brenner
Ruth Olafsápolónő
Karl-Heinz Pelservallató
Gaby DohmFrau Anders

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 10

Népszerű idézetek


– I look back on our life with amazement. I look back to our former reality and think we were dreaming or acting, or whatever we did. This is the true reality, and it's unbearable. I talk, answer, think, dress, sleep and eat. It's a daily constraint, a strange, hard surface. But beneath that surface, I'm crying all the time. I cry for myself, because I can't be as I was before. All that was cannot come back. It's lost, it's gone. Like a dream.


– If you want, I can have you admitted to my hospital. There, we'll give you plenty of injections, until you don't give a damn whether you're Peter Egermann or the emperor of China. Don't worry, we're phenomenally good at wiping out identities. No self, no fear. Fantastic, isn't it?


– Martin was really a fine person. We were very attached to each other. But, as you know, there is no such thing as faithfulness, no real faithfulness. If you're gay, you're unfaithful. It's because of the children. I mean, because of the sad fact that we can't have children and aren't allowed to adopt.


– I dreamed I was sleeping. I dreamed I was dreaming. Everything was very sensual.


– I am in a closed room, without windows or doors but also without a roof or walls.


– Only someone you've killed can be possessed, or rather controlled fully. The patient has broken through all social and emotional barriers and is therefore at risk of suicide according to the same norm I have just formulated. Only someone who kills himself possesses himself completely.

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