Valaki egymás torkának akarja ugrasztani a világ nagyhatalmait. A nyomok Elliott Carver-hez, a nagy befolyású sajtómogulhoz vezetnek, aki hatalmas médiabirodalma segítségével könnyedén manipulál bárkit. Ha Carver-en múlik, az egész világon úrrá lesz a káosz. Itt csakis egyvalaki csinálhat… [tovább]
A holnap markában (James Bond 007 18.) (1997) 102★
Képek 43
Eon Productions
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
United Artists
Amazon Prime
Kedvencelte 4
Várólistára tette 29
Kiemelt értékelések
Jó kis kaland volt ismét, akciódús sztori volt, szinte mindig akadt valami rázós helyzet. Az önvezető BMW nagyon király ötlet volt. A főgonosz most erős közepes volt, de a verőlegénye az már cudarabb forma volt. A film elején pár másodpercre feltűnik Gerald Butler is, igaz elég hálátlan szerepet adtak neki :(
Népszerű idézetek
Q: It's the insurance damage waiver for your beautiful new car. Now, will you need collision coverage?
James Bond: Yes.
Q: Fire?
James Bond: Probably.
Q: Property destruction?
James Bond: Definitely.
Q: Personal Injury?
James Bond: I hope not, but accidents do happen.
Q: They frequently do with you.
James Bond: Well, that takes care of the normal wear-and-tear. Is there any other protection I need?
Q: Only from me 007, unless you bring that car back in pristine order.
Dr. Kaufman: This is very embarrassing. It seems there is a red box they need in your car, only they can't get it open. They want me to get you to tell how to open it. I feel like an idiot, I don't know what to say.
[Bond just smiles]
Dr. Kaufman: I am to torture you if you don't do it.
James Bond: Do you have a doctorate in that as well?
Dr. Kaufman: No, no this is more like a hobby… but I am very gifted.
James Bond: Oh, I believe you.
Dr. Kaufman: [aims his gun at Bond] But now, Mr. Bond, I am afraid that our little…
[burst of static from his earpiece]
Dr. Kaufman: Ah, Stamper! Stop yelling in my ear, ja?
Mr. Stamper: Sir, they can't get into the car.
Dr. Kaufman: Oh, you can't be serious. Did you call the Auto Club?
Mr. Stamper: Do *you* want to call them? Make him tell you how to open it.
Dr. Kaufman: O-O-Okay. Ja, I ask.
Q: I am not interested in your sordid escapades. Let's get on with it, shall we. Your new telephone. Talk here. Listen here.
James Bond: So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years.
Q: Look, it also includes a fingerprint scanner. a 2,000 volt security system, and this I'm particularly proud of – the remote control for your car. Tap twice. One. Two.
[Car starts]
Q: Now, draw very slowly across the pad to drive the car. It's surprisingly difficult to drive; but, with practice…
James Bond: Well, let's see how she responds to my touch, eh, Q?
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