A holnap markában (James Bond 007 18.) (1997) 102

Tomorrow Never Dies
119' · amerikai, egyesült királysági · akció, kaland, thriller 12 !

0 díj · 1 jelölés

Valaki egymás torkának akarja ugrasztani a világ nagyhatalmait. A nyomok Elliott Carver-hez, a nagy befolyású sajtómogulhoz vezetnek, aki hatalmas médiabirodalma segítségével könnyedén manipulál bárkit. Ha Carver-en múlik, az egész világon úrrá lesz a káosz. Itt csakis egyvalaki csinálhat… [tovább]

angol · angol

Képek 43


Pierce BrosnanJames Bond
Jonathan PryceElliot Carver
Michelle YeohWai Lin
Teri HatcherParis Carver
Judi DenchM
Desmond LlewelynQ
Samantha BondMiss Moneypenny
Ricky JayHenry Gupta
Götz OttoStamper
Joe Don BakerJack Wade

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 4

Várólistára tette 29

Kiemelt értékelések


Jó kis kaland volt ismét, akciódús sztori volt, szinte mindig akadt valami rázós helyzet. Az önvezető BMW nagyon király ötlet volt. A főgonosz most erős közepes volt, de a verőlegénye az már cudarabb forma volt. A film elején pár másodpercre feltűnik Gerald Butler is, igaz elég hálátlan szerepet adtak neki :(


Brosnan öregszik (de jól áll neki), Bond pedig egyre szórakoztatóbb.

Népszerű idézetek

Elliot Carver: Mr. Jones, are we ready to release our new software?
Jones: Yes, sir. As requested, it's full of bugs, which means people will be forced to upgrade for years.
Elliot Carver: Outstanding.


Q: It's the insurance damage waiver for your beautiful new car. Now, will you need collision coverage?
James Bond: Yes.
Q: Fire?
James Bond: Probably.
Q: Property destruction?
James Bond: Definitely.
Q: Personal Injury?
James Bond: I hope not, but accidents do happen.
Q: They frequently do with you.
James Bond: Well, that takes care of the normal wear-and-tear. Is there any other protection I need?
Q: Only from me 007, unless you bring that car back in pristine order.

Admiral Roebuck: With all due respect, M, sometimes I don't think you have the balls for this job.
M: Perhaps. But the advantage is, I don't have to think with them all the time.

James Bond: [after throwing a bad guy into a printing press] They'll print anything these days.

Dr. Kaufman: This is very embarrassing. It seems there is a red box they need in your car, only they can't get it open. They want me to get you to tell how to open it. I feel like an idiot, I don't know what to say.
[Bond just smiles]
Dr. Kaufman: I am to torture you if you don't do it.
James Bond: Do you have a doctorate in that as well?
Dr. Kaufman: No, no this is more like a hobby… but I am very gifted.
James Bond: Oh, I believe you.

Dr. Kaufman: [aims his gun at Bond] But now, Mr. Bond, I am afraid that our little…
[burst of static from his earpiece]
Dr. Kaufman: Ah, Stamper! Stop yelling in my ear, ja?
Mr. Stamper: Sir, they can't get into the car.
Dr. Kaufman: Oh, you can't be serious. Did you call the Auto Club?
Mr. Stamper: Do *you* want to call them? Make him tell you how to open it.
Dr. Kaufman: O-O-Okay. Ja, I ask.

Q: I am not interested in your sordid escapades. Let's get on with it, shall we. Your new telephone. Talk here. Listen here.
James Bond: So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years.
Q: Look, it also includes a fingerprint scanner. a 2,000 volt security system, and this I'm particularly proud of – the remote control for your car. Tap twice. One. Two.
[Car starts]
Q: Now, draw very slowly across the pad to drive the car. It's surprisingly difficult to drive; but, with practice…
James Bond: Well, let's see how she responds to my touch, eh, Q?

Elliot Carver: The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.



James Bond 007

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