Az antik tragédia döbbenetes erejű filmes adaptációja, amely főleg vizuális eszközökkel jeleníti meg a történetet, és amely 1962-ben Cannes-ban el is nyerte a legjobb adaptáció díját. Ehhez persze a merész és invenciózus rendezői és operatőri munkán túl kivételes színészi teljesítményre is… [tovább]
Elektra (1962) 3★
Képek 12
Várólistára tette 3
Népszerű idézetek
– It's true, nobleness is not readily apparent. Because you can be born noble and be worth nothing. To be born with a generous heart is true nobility.
– You're right. I've seen incredible greed in the rich…and complete generosity in the poor.
Elektra (1962) 80%
– Maybe you believed that a woman in love, who has deceived her husband…can be faithful to another?
Elektra (1962) 80%
– God spoke nonsense to the oracle!
– If the gods are wrong, no one can be right.
– Must I really kill my mother and stain my hands with her blood?
– If you don't wash away the crime against our father, you'll be damned for eternity.
– Maybe a devil wore a god's face?
– A devil in the sanctuary of our gods?
Elektra (1962) 80%
– It's like the day they killed our beloved defender, King Agamemnon.
– When the stones were screaming.