Cosmo Vitelli jól megélne az éjszakai klubjából, ám szenvedélyes szerencsejátékos. Emiatt azután állandóan pénzzavarban van, egyik adóssága követi a másikat. Épp egy tartozás visszafizetését ünnepli, amikor megint nem úgy forognak a lapok, ahogy kellene, és veszít. Nem is keveset, huszonhárom… [tovább]
Egy kínai bukméker meggyilkolása (1976) 10★
Képek 10
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 12
Kiemelt értékelések
Érdekes volt. Kiszámíthatónak gondoltam, de nem az volt. Vitelli karaktere nem egysíkú volt, és több rejlett benne mint első látásra gondolnánk.
Népszerű idézetek
– A Peruvian. A Peruvian…shepherd named Bruno said, „This about love I do know. A woman is fine, a sheep is divine…but a llama is numero uno.”
– That jerk Karl Marx said opium was the…religion of the people. I got news for him. It's money. Money. That's… Jesus Christ. My father was right. Although my father put it another way. You know, capisce? He says… Mio padre…mi ha detto…"Hai fatto…una bella cacata." Yeah. It's a great enjoyment, a good crap.
– We'll straighten it out. You know. You gotta work hard to be comfortable. Yeah, a lot of people kid themselves, you know. They… They know when they were born, they know where they're goin'…they know whether they're gonna go to heaven, whether they're gonna go to hell. They think they know that. They kid themselves. Right? But the only people…who are, you know, happy…are the people who are comfortable. That's right. That's right.
– We'll do a great show…We'll smile, we'll cry…big, glistening tears that pour onto the stage… and we'll make their lives a little happier? So they won't have to face themselves. They can pretend to be somebody else. Be happy. Be joyous. Come on. You. Maestro.