1846-ban egy mágiával és hipnotizálással foglalkozó mutatványostrupp közeledik Stockholm felé egy batáron. A csapatban főleg a hipnotizőr Vogler számít hatalmas attrakciónak. Stockholm kapujában fel is tartóztatják a batárt, és utasait egy palotába kísérik. Itt a konzul fogadja őket, aki… [tovább]
Arc (1958) 9★
Képek 11
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 19
Népszerű idézetek
– If I say one's rump is behind and one's head is on one's neck, that's an absolute truth, and I like such truths.
– One's rump behind and one's head on one's neck? A rather dubious truth.
– I don't follow.
– It appears to be just the opposite in your case.
– You're very amusing. Almost a pity you're dying.
– You'll die too. You just don't believe it.
– A matter for the future, and the future interests me as little as the past. Can't you see I'm a lily of the field?
Arc (1958) 76%
– What are you reading, sir?
– A novel about swindlers.
– Colleagues of yours?
– There are no swindlers here.
– No?
– An interesting book, in any case. „Deception is so prevalent that those who speak the truth are usually branded as the greatest liars.”
– The author presumes there's a great general thing called truth somewhere out there. That theory is pure illusion.