Amikor Nietzsche sírt (2007) 4

When Nietsche wept
105' · amerikai · dráma

Bécsben, a 19. század végi szellemi erjedés közegében nagy drámája dúl szerelemnek, sorsnak és akaratnak. Josef Breuer, a pszichoanalízis alapító atyáinak egyike pályája csúcsán. Friedrich Nietzsche, az európai filozófia meghatározó szellemeinek egyike az öngyilkosság szélén. Amikor az igen… [tovább]

Képek 1


Ben CrossJosef Breuer
Armand AssanteFriedrich Nietzsche
Joanna PaculaMathilda
Michal YannaiBertha
Jamie ElmanSigmund Freud
Andreas BeckettZarathustra
Katheryn WinnickLou Salome
Rachel O'MearaFrau Becker

Várólistára tette 35

Népszerű idézetek


– Living safely is dangerous.
– Living safely is dangerous?


– Tell me about you illness.
– Would it be more efficient to read my previous consultations?
– I'm sure they're excellent physicians, thank you. But I make my own diagnosis before reviewing those of my colleagues, just as I prefer to see a play before reading the reviews.


It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.


– How could I have given up everything?
– You'd given up everything long before you met me.
– Yes, but now I have nothing.
– Nothing is everything. In order to grow strong, you must first sink your roots deep into nothingness. Learn to face your loneliest loneliness.


– I should have been I before I became we!
– Words, words, Josef, you cannot live in words!


I am a scientist yet science has no colour. I need passion. I need magic. That's what Berthe represents. Life without passion, without mystery… who can live such a life?


Dr. Breuer, I must see you on a matter of life or death. Meet at nine tomorrow morning, at the Cafe Rousse.


He's looking into the horror of his existence. He is encountering times, devout angels… but he sees too much. His insignificance, this mere little speck. There he is. And now his fear becomes so raw that he welcomes lust into his mind. And he stops looking into this chasm, and he begins to spend his time recollecting these miracles as how this little crippled person moves her legs, her lips, and her arms, and her breasts. And his mind, which was built for the noblest of ideas, becomes clogged now, with trash.


You write that your mission is to save humankind from illusion, and aimlessness… to create a new code of behaviour, a new morality free from superstition. It's all there! In your books…

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