4 Phone Calls from Amelia (2018) 0

97' · amerikai · dráma

Amelia (29) és Finnegan (60) egy váratlan telefonhívással találják meg egymást. Sokat beszélgetnek, s mindketten úgy érzik, igazi lelki társra leltek a másikban, mi több, még azelőtt egymásba szeretnek, hogy személyesen is találkoznának. Amikor azonban sor kerül az első tényleges randevúra, az… [tovább]


Brittany HornAmelia
Alexei AfoninFinnegan
Brad NappBrad Napp
Allison Pittmanügynök
Cotton YanceyKevin
4 Phone Calls from Amelia (2018)

Vanilla Palm Films

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I might be falling in love, again, with some guy old enough to be my father, that I've never met. He's either really good, or this is a really cruel joke. Either way, I know my life is about to change.


– So, are we gonna write the screenplay, or what?
– Well, if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't have needed you, would I?
– Then let me do my job and play your muse. You ready?
– Okay, so your two main characters, they meet on the phone, and fall in love?
– Well, that's the idea, anyway.
– That's perfect, it's something we can play off of. They always say to write what you know, so now all we have to do is fall in love.
– Okay, so in the prelude of your screenplay, you mention some sort of
study about two people who asked each other 30 intimate questions there was a better chance of them falling in love?
– Actually, there was a real study done by psychologist Arthur Aron.


– Given anyone dead or alive, anyone in the world, who would you have as a dinner guest?
– Ah, Jesus Christ, hands down, Jesus. I mean, I, just, this life is just so twisted and unfair, and this world is just so cruel, you know? Just, I have problems, you know, why are children dying, why not just go right to the source?
– All right, next question.


– And uh, I didn't stop to answer the phone, but that's not the secret.
– Okay, what is it?
– You have this incredibly sexy voice, and so uh, I played your voicemail message, over and over, while I uh, I finished getting off.


My age says take it easy, you know. Whatever happens, happens, but my heart just shouts, grab onto it, man. Dream like you're gonna live forever. So what I'm saying is… Hi, you've reached me.


Anyway, we're putting the book out first, and the movie's gonna be made at the end of the year.


You see, you and I have something that most people can only wish… The chances are not good that a single one of us will ever meet our soulmate. Besides, what if our soulmate is nothing more than the little voice we hear inside of our head, guiding us through a lifetime of choices? Each one totally dependent on what we hear, see, and feel, from every intimate relationship along the way. The question them becomes, what choices will we make?

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