Portraits 33328

David Kaye


Szerepei 41

Betartott fogadalom (2021)
The vows we keep
He-Man – A világ ura (2021–)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Sabrina, a tiniboszorkány (2013–2014)
Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch
Jim (hang)
Barbie, a Sziget hercegnője (2007)
Barbie as the Island Princess
Őr (hang)
X-Men 2. (2003)
X2 / X2: X-Men United
Csapd le, csimpánz 2. (2001)
MVP: Most Vertical Primate 2.
Dave Bruce
Casper karácsonya (2000)
Casper's Haunted Christmas
Pokoli küzdelem (1999)
Don't Look Behind You
Bram Corrigan
Garou Densetsu: The Motion Picture (1994)
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture · 餓狼伝説
Kim Kaphwan (hang)
Mások gyermeke (1994)
Someone Else's Child
Max Frye
Batoru Faitazu Garo Densetsu 2. (1993)
Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle, Battle Fighters Garou Densetsu 2 · バトルファイターズ餓狼伝説2
Kim Kaphwan (hang)
Batoru Faitazu Garo Densetsu (1992)
Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf, Battle Fighters: Legend of the Hungry Wolf · バトルファイターズ餓狼伝説
Jeff Bogard (hang)