Egy sci-fi antológiasorozat Philip K. Dick novelláira építve, különálló részekkel.
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams (2017–2018) 9★
Képek 6
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 99
Kiemelt értékelések
Változó színvonalú, hol jobb, hol rosszabb sorozat PKD tolla nyomán. Mindent összevetve igen jó történetek, aki szereti a futurisztikus dógokat, az nézze meg.
Népszerű idézetek
I'm software_ And software doesn't have a choice, right?
-[Miss Gordon] He was the one to leave Earth for Riga 2. Back then everyone was interested in adventure…The unknown. Some people thought they might even reach God. You think you could reach God, Mr. Norton?
-[Mr. Norton] Maybe when I was a kid I did. In fact, I used to dream of breaking into whole new universes. There were still corners we hadn't been to back then. But now it's all charted. There is no mystery anymore.
-[Miss Gordon] Oh, but there is. People say, they know everything. Everything is explained. Down to the molecules, the atoms, the quadrons and minimons. Every dot accounted for. But here (points at chest) Here there will always be mystery.