Levél egy ismeretlen asszonytól (1948) 8

Letter from an Unknown Woman
86' · amerikai · dráma, romantikus

Bécs a XX. század elején. Az egykori koncertzongorista, Stefan menekülni készül a városból, mielőtt hajnalban párbajoznia kellene. Inasa átadja neki egy ismeretlen nő levelét, akinek története flashbackekben elevenedik meg.


Képek 16


Joan FontaineLisa Berndl
Marcel JournetBaron Johann Stauffer
Louis JourdanStefan Brand
Mady ChristiansBerndlené
Carol YorkeMarie
Howard FreemanKastner
John GoodLeopold von Kaltnegger
Leo B. PessinStefan
Erskine Sanford
Otto WaldisHázmester

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 18

Népszerű idézetek


– I think everyone has two birthdays. The day of his physical birth and the beginning of his conscious life.


– I don't mind so much being killed. But you know how hard it is for me to get up in the morning.


– This is the last time I move a musician.
– Why does he have to play the piano? Why not the piccolo?


– The Italians say, it's such a good wine because the grapes have their roots in the valley and their eyes on the mountains.


– Tell me when you've climbed up the mountain, what then?
– Well, you come down again.


– I know now. Nothing happens by chance. Every moment is measured. Every step is counted.


– Champagne tastes much better after midnight, don't you think?


– Do you remember the Greeks built a statue to a God they didn't know but hoped someday would come to them?

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