Sanghaj expressz (1932) 9

Shanghai Express
82' · amerikai · kaland, dráma, romantikus

1 díj · 2 jelölés

A Pekingből Sanghajba tartó expresszvonaton vegyes utazóközönség találkozik, köztük az angol Harvey kapitány és korábbi szerelme, Madeleine, akiről kiderül, ő a híres-hírhedt Sanghaj Lily. Az egyik utas, egy felkelőcsoport vezetője, a kínai Csang emberei elfoglalják a vonatot. Csang megfenyegeti… [tovább]

Képek 11


Marlene DietrichShanghai Lily
Clive Brook'Doc' Harvey kapitány
Anna May WongHui Fei
Warner OlandMr. Henry Chang
Eugene PalletteSam Salt
Lawrence GrantMr. Carmichael tiszteletes
Louise Closser HaleMrs. Haggerty

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 18

Népszerű idézetek


– What have you got in that basket, missus?
– Just a little snack of lunch me niece put up for me.
– Ain't got any animals in there?
– I hope not.


– Are you Chinese or are you white, or what are ya?
– My mother was Chinese. My father was white.
– You look more like a white man to me.
– I'm not proud of my white blood.
– Oh, you're not, are ya?
– No, I'm not.
– Rather be a Chinaman, huh?
– Yes.
– What future is there being a Chinaman?
– You're born, eat your way through a handful of rice, and you die. What a country! Let's have a drink.


– All I can do is to suggest that you get down on your knees and pray.
– I think you are right, if God is still on speaking terms with me.
– God remains on speaking terms with everybody.


– A man is a fool to trust any woman, but I believe a word of honor would mean something to you.

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