Várólistára tette 10

Népszerű idézetek


– Playing with men's lives for entertainment…
– You idiot! From the moment you're born, life is one big joke!


– What's this festival about?
– It's an annual prayer festival. They pray to die soon, to bid this earth farewell.
– This is one peculiar village.
– This is one peculiar world.


– A certain lordship dies and he goes to hell. The Devil says, „Tell me what you did when you were alive. Depending on that, I may spare you from going to hell.” The Lord says, „I'm the Sixth Demon King, who sent 20,000 believers of the Jodo Shinshu Sect, and 2,000 Hieizan Temple priests to their deaths.” The Devil falls down on his knees, and says, „Brother! Please let me serve you.”

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