A 121 éves Jack Crabb, a világ legvénebb embere maga az élő történelem. Történész érkezik az öregek otthonába, hogy hitelesen lejegyzetelhesse a régi idők utolsó élő szemtanújának szavait. Jack mesélni kezd: tízéves korában a csejennek fogságába esik, akik indiánként nevelik, de kíváncsi… [tovább]
Kis Nagy Ember (1970) 42★
Képek 22
Kedvencelte 4
Várólistára tette 34
Kiemelt értékelések
Ez egy csodás film, korának, generációjának egyik legjobb színészével, és annak is karrierjének egyik legszebb szerepével. Igazi klasszikus.
Népszerű idézetek
– I was an honored guest, and they gave me a real treat for breakfast: Boiled dog. Dog ain't bad, neither. Now dog is greasy, I'll admit, but you'd be surprised how downright delicate the flavor is, especially when you're starving.
– You're improving, Jack. You just can't seem to get rid of that streak of honesty in you. The one that ruined you was that damned Indian, old Tepee.
– You mean Old Lodge Skins.
– He gave you a vision of moral order in the universe, and there isn't any. Those stars twinkle in a void, there, boy, and the two-legged creature schemes and dreams beneath them, all in vain. All in vain, Jack.
– You hear anything?
– Listen to me! Two-legged creature will believe anything, and the more preposterous, the better. Whales speak French at the bottom of the sea. The horses of Arabia have silver wings. Pygmies mate with elephants in darkest Africa. I have sold all those propositions.
– Or maybe we're all fools, and none of it matters.
– Well, Grandfather, all the whites aren't crazy.
– I'm glad to hear that, my son. I thought they were.
– Oh, no. I know of one who is as brave as any Human Being.
– I'd like to meet this man and smoke with him. What is he called?
– He's called General Custer.
– General Custer. What does the name mean, my son?
– Well, it, it means…long hair.
– Good name. How did he win it?
– He won it in the war of the whites to free the black men.
– Oh, yes. The black white man. I know of them. It is said a black white man once became a Human Being. But mostly they are strange creatures. Not as ugly as the white, true, but they're just as crazy.
– Because the Human Beings, my son, they believe everything is alive. Not only man and animals, but also water, earth, stone, and also the things from them, like that hair.
– Let's go back to the tepee and eat, my son. My new Snake wife cooks dog very well.
– All right, Grandfather.
– She also has a very soft skin. The only trouble with Snake women is they copulate with horses, which makes them strange to me. She says she doesn't, that's why I call her „Doesn't Like Horses.” But of course, she's lying.
– Of course, Grandfather.