Várólistára tette 34

Kiemelt értékelések


„ AI-generated Hallmark drama with swearing scattered about…”

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– Flora, let's get to know you a bit better. What is your all-time favorite song?
– I'm more into dance music… „You're Beautiful” by James Blunt.
– Okay, we're gonna have a problem.
– Why?
– That's not an acceptable song.
– It's catchy.
– So was cholera.
– I don't know that one.
– If you're gonna be learning to play songs, we're just gonna need to raise the bar a little bit.


Flora: What have you written, then?
Jeff: I'm a teacher.
Flora: Exactly. So shut up criticizing Blunt. You do it!
Jeff: Do what?
Flora: Write a song that reaches millions of people's hearts and makes them weep.
Jeff: Making people cry is not an achievement. Bullies do it every day.


– Hey, Flora, are you my 12:00 p.m.?
– Yeah.
– How are you?
– I'm all right. How are you?
– Yeah, sun is shining in Los Angeles. I can smell the eucalyptus on the breeze, so can't complain.
– Yeah, lovely here in Dublin too.
– Is it evening there?
– No, it's just permanently this grim.


– You are now the proud owner of C, right? And you didn't own that five minutes ago. You're rich. You own something Elvis owned.
– I'd rather have his plane.
– Plus, it didn't cost you anything.
– Well, $20 for this class, but I do know what you mean. Go on.

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