Diaries Notes and Sketches (1969) 3

Mekas krónikája az életről, beleértve önmagát, családját, barátokat, párját és bálványait hat filmtekercsen.

Képek 28


Andy Warhol
Jack Smith
Andy Warhol
Norman Mailer
Allen Ginsberg
John Lennon
Yoko Ono
Stan Brakhage
Ram Dass

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 5

Népszerű idézetek


– They tell me I should be always searching. But I am only celebrating what I see. I am searching for nothing, I am happy. I am searching for nothing, I am happy…I am searching for nothing, I am happy.


– …he no longer needs to hear or speak, but to put it into practice, silently and carefully, and in humility…He must not then go in search of new things…He must not then go in search of new things that serve only to satisfy the appetite outwardly, He must not then go in search of new things that serve only to satisfy the appetite outwardly, although they are not able to satisfy it… and leave the spirit weak and empty, without interior virtue.


– And now, dear viewer, as you sit and as you watch and as the life outside in
the streets is still rushing…maybe a little bit slower, but still rushing, from inertia…just watch these images. Nothing much happens. The images go, no tragedy, no drama, no suspense. Just images, for myself, and for a few others. One doesn't have to watch, one doesn't. But if one feels so, one can just sit and watch, these images…which, I figure, as life will continue, won't be here for very long. There won't be small, peaceful cities on the shores of oceans, there won't be. No boats in the morning, and maybe not even trees, nor flowers, at least not in such an abundance. This is Walden, this is Walden, what you see…

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