Johnny (Paddy Considine) és Sarah (Samantha Morton), a két nincstelen ír bevándorló egy lelakott New York-i bérházba fészkeli be magát a két gyermekével, amelyben transzvesztiták, drogosok és a világ válogatott nincstelenjei laknak. Miközben a szülők csak a nehézségeket és a veszélyeket látják… [tovább]
Amerikában (2002) 16★
Emma Bolger | Ariel |
Sarah Bolger | Christy |
Paddy Considine | Johnny |
Djimon Hounsou | Mateo |
Samantha Morton | Sarah |
Ciaran Cronin | Frankie |
Juan Carlos Hernández | Papo |
Jason Salkey | Tony |
Rene Millan | Steve |
Merrina Millsapp | Marina |
Hell's Kitchen Films
East of Harlem (UK) Ltd.
Irish Film Industry
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 19
Népszerű idézetek
Ariel: Everybody else goes trick-or-treating.
Sarah: What's that?
Ariel: It's what they do here for Halloween.
Johnny: What do you mean? Like, help the Halloween party?
Christy: No. Not help the Halloween party. You don't ask for help in America. You demand it. Trick-or-treat- you don't ask, you threaten.
Sarah: You can't do that on our street.
Christy: Why not?
Sarah: Because you can't threaten drug addicts and transvestites, that's why.
Ariel: What are transvestites?
Christy: A man who dresses up as a woman.
Ariel: For Halloween?
Christy: No, all the time. All the time.
Ariel: Cool!
Christy: Cool? Where'd you hear that?
Ariel: I don't know, I just heard it.
Christy: Ugh, you're already American, it's disgusting!