Ne csinálj semmit. Maradj és harcolj. Vagy menj el. 2010-ben egy elszigetelt vallási közösség nőtagjai küzdenek azzal, hogyan egyeztethetik össze a brutális valóságot a hitükkel.
A nők beszélnek (2022) 24★
Képek 21
Jessie Buckley | Mariche |
Rooney Mara | Ona |
Frances McDormand | Scarface Janz |
Claire Foy | Salome |
Ben Whishaw | August |
Sheila McCarthy | Greta |
Judith Ivey | Agata |
August Winter | Melvin |
Kira Guloien | Anna |
Will Bowes | Census Driver |
Hear/Say Productions
Plan B Entertainment
Várólistára tette 105
Népszerű idézetek
Mariche: Ona, you're a dreamer.
Ona: We're women without a voice. We have nothing to return to. Even the animals are safer in their homes than we women are. All we have are our dreams. So of course we are dreamers.
– Where I come from, where your mother comes from, we didn't talk about our bodies. So when something like this happened there was no language for it. And without language for it, there was a gaping silence. And in that gaping silence was the real horror.
– Why does love…The absence of love, the end of love, the need for love, result in so much violence?
– Did you know that the migration period for butterflies and dragonflies is so long that it's often only the grandchildren that arrive at the intended destination?
– If God is omnipotent, then why has He not protected the women and girls of this colony? I will destroy any living thing that harms my child. I will tear it limb from limb. I will desecrate its body and I will bury it alive. I will challenge God on the spot to strike me dead if I have sinned by protecting my child from evil, and by destroying that evil that it may not harm another! I will lie, I will hunt, I will kill. I will dance on graves and I will burn forever in hell before I allow another man to satisfy his violent urges with the body of my four-year-old child!
– I'm sorry. But I think I might be dying.
– Mother, you're not dying. Your glasses need cleaning.
– I believe in what the great poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge thought were the cardinal rules of early education. „To work by love and so generate love. To habituate the mind to intellectual accuracy and truth. To excite imaginative power.” He said, „Little is taught by contest or dispute, everything by sympathy and love.”