Egy fogyatékkal élő kislány és családja életébe pillanthatunk bele a BBC sorozata által.
There She Goes (2018–) 2★
Képek 30
Jessica Hynes | Emily |
David Tennant | Simon |
Miley Locke | Rosie |
Edan Hayhurst | Ben |
Yasmine Akram | Helen |
Oliver Gibbs | fiatalabb Ben |
Ben Willbond | Chris |
Rachel Parris | Katy |
Várólistára tette 27
Népszerű idézetek
Ben: Dad, why don't you learn to drive?
Simon: Oh, why don't you learn to drive?
Ben: Because I'm eleven.
Simon: Oh, fucking Christ, Marty, you're so dull, you could stiffen diarrhoea.
Emily: I've got everyone, your mum, my mum, all the mums, the doctors telling me there's nothing wrong. Like I'm a mental fucking neurotic woman. But there is something wrong.
Simon: I know.
Emily: So you believe me?
Simon: Yeah. Something's wrong. Something's really badly wrong.
Emily: Then why don't you talk to me? Why don't you tell me?
Simon: Because that would mean that it was true, and it is true, Em. I don't want it to be, but it is.
Emily: Then help me, please. Help me, please! Because I want to grieve, Simon. I wanna grieve for the girl that she isn't, and no one's letting me, because no one believes me.
Emily: And I used to think the worst thing would be to lose a child. But what if your child was wrong? They're just not wrong enough to die. And what if you lost a child, but there was something there, just reminding you of it all the time?
John: There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.
Simon: It's like I'm an X-Man, but I'm a rubbish one. So they're all Wolverine and Magneto, and I can see halfway through walls.
John: Why did you phone me if you don't want my help?
Simon: I didn't phone you, you phoned me!
John: Ah, it doesn't matter.