Political Animals (2012–2012) 15

360' · amerikai · dráma, minisorozat 16 !
6 rész (epizódhossz: 60')

1 díj · 4 jelölés

Elaine Barrish valaha First Lady volt. Férjétől, a volt elnöktől elvált, miután az csalta őt, illetve nem igazán tudott azonosulni a politikai elképzeléseivel. Most ringbe szállt ő maga az elnökségi posztért, viszont mivel utál hazudozni, többek közt a népnek is, a kampányt elvesztette. Egy… [tovább]


Képek 10


Sigourney WeaverElaine Barrish
Carla GuginoSusan Berg
Ciarán HindsBud Hammond
Sebastian StanT. J. Hammond
Adrian PasdarPaul Garcetti elnök
James WolkDouglas Hammond
Ellen BurstynMargaret Barrish
Brittany IshibashiAnne Ogami

Kedvencelte 5

Várólistára tette 49

Népszerű idézetek


Bud: Your asking me to eat shit. I don't eat shit, I serve it.


TJ's fling: You're on my list. 'Famous guys I can cheat with', you're my number two.
TJ: Who is number one?
TJ's fling: Rob Pattinson, but he's not gay.
TJ: Yep. He's not.


Elaine: Never call a bitch a bitch. Us bitches hate that.


TJ: Occupational hazard, right. It comes with being a Hammond. They love us when they're not busy hating us.


Elaine: Most of life is hell. It's filled with failure and loss. People disapoint you. Dreams don't work out. Hearts get broken. Innocent journalists die. And the best moments of life, when everything comes together, are few and fleeting. But, you will never get to the next great moment if you don't keep going. So, thats what I do. I keep going.


Elaine: If I read half of what people write about me, I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning.


Elaine: No one is as horrible as we imagine them to be.


TJ: I mean I had to make sure. Every once in a while, I gotta sleep with a woman and just double check. Look they don't tell you when you get the gay card that breasts are off the table, I mean breasts are awesome.


Bud: What's the Bitch of the Beltway doing here?
Elaine: Finishing her feature on me. I told her she could cover this trip on background.
Bud: She won a Pulitzer for hating our guts.
Elaine: Turns out she doesn't hate us, just you.


Bud Hammond: [to Elaine] All anyone ever talks about is your ambition and never talk about your heart. I don't know why they don't see it, cause it's all I ever saw.

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