Oh Boy (2012) 9

A Coffee in Berlin
86' · német · dráma

0 díj · 1 jelölés

Niko huszonéves fiú, az egyetemet félbehagyva, a pillanatnak élve sodródik Berlin utcáin. Kíváncsian és semmitől sem zavartatva figyeli a körülötte élő embereket, akik a mindennapjaikat élik. Hirtelen azonban véget érnek tétlen napjai, és kénytelen szembenézni semmittevésének következményeivel.… [tovább]


Képek 7


Tom SchillingNiko Fischer
Katharina SchüttlerElli
Justus von DohnányiKarl Speckenbach
Andreas SchrödersPszichológus
Katharina Hauck
Marc HosemannMatze
Friederike KempterJulika Hoffmann
Arnd KlawitterPhillip Rauch
Inga BirkenfeldHanna
Ulrich NoethenWalter Fischer

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 20

Népszerű idézetek


– My question to you, Niko, is what have you been up to the last two years while I've been transferring money for your studies every month?
– I've been thinking.


– Someone should clean up this city. I said, someone should clean up this city. Because it's full of filth and scum. I get headaches every time I go for a walk and have to smell this filth. Unbelievable. The headaches keep getting worse. I have an idea. The president should burn down the city, or flush it down a huge toilet.
– „Taxi Driver”?
– Exactly.


– I play a young sensitive writer just before the Second World War who falls in love with a beautiful bookseller but doesn't know she's Jewish. And then war breaks out and they lose touch, and six years later, I'm a loyal officer who toes the line – not blindly, I've still got a conscience – and I'm conducting a house search where the Jews live, and now comes the moment when all of a sudden, he meets Hannah again. That's the name of the bookseller. And now my character's facing a conflict, you know. Save, betray, save, betray, how, why, what, you know. And at the very last moment, he makes a decision and saves her from…
– Deportation.
– Deportation, thanks. Then he hides her in the basement. Love breaks out once again. And one night, she suddenly confesses to him…Guess what? That they have a child together? Jakob, a little boy, six years old. And they took him from her. That's the moment, for this Heinrich guy, when something breaks inside of him. It's total catharsis, and he wants this kid, he wants his boy…Then it gets really dramatic and…but I won't spoil the ending.

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