Várólistára tette 4
Kiemelt értékelések
Mental (2012) 80%
Azt hittem, rosszkor nézem, mert nem voltam elég „mental” hangulatban. De uh… ez mégis mi volt? Amikor elkönyveltem, hogy ez egy infantilis ökörködés, benyomtak egy lelkizős részt, aztán átment bosszúfilmbe, majd belenyugodtam, hogy az ausztrálok már csak ilyenek… aztán jött egy giga nagy dráma, majd egy röhejes vég, ami átcsapott meghatóba, végül megint idétlenkedtek, szóval az egész MENTAL volt és egy kicsit én is megőrültem a végére.
Népszerű idézetek
Shaz: America, Europe, Asia, and all the way down here is Australia. Alone. Isolated. Ever wonder why? Why we're down here?
Jane Moochmore: Well, we were a penal colony.
Shaz: That's the cover story, yeah, but historically where have they always sent the loonies? As far away as possible. You can't get any further away than Australia. We weren't a penal colony, we was a lunatic asylum. Our ancestors were loonies and this is the result. Have a look around. There's no such thing as normal, there's just different shades of mental. Your totally mental are in the lunatic asylums. The rest of them:
Shaz: the delusionals, the borderlines, compulsives, paranoid, schizoid make up Australia as we know it. We're nothing but a living experiment in madness under constant observation by the psychiatric community of the world.
Leanne Moochmore: But, if we're all under observation and mental, how come we're allowed to leave?
Jane Moochmore: Kylie Minogue. She left. She's practically British.
Shaz: In any experiment there's test mice and control mice. Control mice are marked in some way and sent off into the normal world as comparisons. Kylie Minogue's a control mouse. Cate Blanchett – control mouse. Russell Crowe – a control mouse out of control. Rupert Murdoch, Nicole Kidman, the list of control mice is endless.