Küsters mama mennybemenetele (1975) 4

Küsters mama az égbe megy · Mother Küsters goes to Heaven · Mutter Küsters' Fahrt zum Himmel
120' · német · dráma

A hetvenes évek közepén vagyunk, beköszöntött a gazdasági válság, színre léptek a terroristák. Egy Frankfurt közelében levő nagy vegyi gyárban is megkezdődtek az elbocsátások, rövidítik a munkaidőt. Hermann Küsterst a munkanélküliség réme fenyegeti. Talán volt is már alkalma találkozni vele,… [tovább]

Képek 7


Brigitte MiraKüsters mama
Ingrid CavenCorinna
Margit CarstensenFrau Thälmann
Karlheinz BöhmThälmann
Irm HermannHelene
Gottfried JohnNiemeyer

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– Father is sick of your salads. No wonder he keeps grousing!
– If you knew how much poison there is in meat and sausages! Nothing but chemicals! I know what a healthy diet consists of.
– Dad likes his meat, Helene, and he works for what he likes.
– People just don't know what's good for them. But go ahead. It's yourselves you're harming.


– It was my mother. Dad's dead. He's killed himself. And there was something else, too. I don't remember. But I have to go.
– My sweetheart's getting sentimental in her old age. Have another whiskey and forget the whole thing. Who has a family nowadays? Who, I ask you. And at your age! You're as free as a bird. Have another drink before your next number. Then we'll go home and fuck like rabbits… And tomorrow, everything will be forgotten.


– It's strange. People live side by side for years and hardly know each other.


– You see…Throughout the country…In all the factories, there are people working, making things that are sold for money. But who pockets the money? The workers are fobbed off with a tiny share of the profits. The lion's share goes to the business owners. To the capitalists. And that is unjust. It has to be changed.


– Anyway, they have a lovely place full of precious things. Really posh! I thought they were millionaires. When they said they were communists…
– Thank you.
– I was flabbergasted. I always thought communists were dirt poor.
– There are communists and communists. Like everywhere else in the world. There are poor ones and rich ones…Even among communists. It's the same in east Germany. The party bosses have their villas and can buy exotic fruits, and the others…Don't have enough bread. And even that…is rationed.


– Because, what did I do all those years? I did what was expected of me, what is expected of every woman: I had children, kept house and so on. And Hermann did what was expected of him. He went to work, went to war…And that was the way of things. But is that life, I ask myself now. Is that really life? Or did we just live in the way others wanted us to live?

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