Kedvencelte 5

Várólistára tette 32

Kiemelt értékelések


Klasszikus családi sitcom.
Humoros, szórakoztató, néha még megható is.
Az egyediségét az adja, hogy egy koreai család van a főszerepben. A kulturális, gondolkodás beli különbségek adják a poénok, a vicces jelenetek nagy részét. Míg a szülők még a koreai értékek szerint élnek, addig a gyerekeik már modern felfogásúak, Kanadában születtek. A köztük lévő ellentétek is sok érdekes beszélgetést eredményeznek.
Engem kb fél perc után meggyőzött. Éreztem, hogy kedvenc lesz. Már ahogy Mr. Kim megszólalt és meghallottam azt a feledhetetlen akcentust a tört angollal. Egyszerűen imádom az egészet, úgy, ahogy van.

Népszerű idézetek


Jung: – Listen, I just wanted to say sorry. About what happened in high school.
Grace Lee: – What happened in high school?
Jung: – The thing I did to make you hate me.
Grace Lee: – You're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that.
Jung: – I remember, uh, going to your house for a family dinner. I think I had a little vodka before I showed up.
Grace Lee: – More than a little.
Jung: – I remember punching a tree…
Grace Lee: – That was my uncle.
Jung: – I also remember throwing up on a tree.
Grace Lee: – Also my uncle.

1. évad 7. rész – Hapkido

Pastor Choi: – „A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds.” Proverb, chapter 31. I'll see you both Sunday. (leave the store with a gum without paying)
Mr. Kim: – „Thou shall no steal.” Bible, chapter something-something.

1. évad 8. rész – Service

Mr. Kim: – Expiration date is a marketing conspiracy! Look. It say „best before this date.” After this date, not best, but still pretty good.
Janet: – It's meat, Appa. Meat goes bad.
Mr. Kim: – You go bad.

1. évad 9. rész – Best Before

Janet: – Here.
Mr. Kim: – You give to me your phone?
Janet: – Yeah, I got an upgrade.
Mr. Kim: – I already have a phone.
Janet: – This is a smartphone.
Mr. Kim: – And this is a smart belt. Phone, radio, pager. Everything I need.
Janet: – We could FaceTime.
Mr. Kim: – I don't need to see you face when you not working in store. And can a smartphone keep a pants from falling down?
Janet: – No, but it can do this. (Siri) When did South Korea become a country? The Republic of Korea celebrated its first National Day of Independence on August 15th, 1945.
Mr. Kim: – Okay, give to me your phone.

2. évad 12. rész – Appa's First Text

Mr. Kim: – We look so good, mongcheri couple. Fancy, like Batman parent.

2. évad 8. rész – Silent Auction

Kimchee: – Jung's the hot one so go for it. (…) you're gonna fall for the guy with the abs and let the guy with personality get away.
Jung: – Law of the jungle.
Girl: – You think I'd drop a guy I like because a slightly more handsome guy is in the room?
Jung: – Slightly?
Kimchee: – You heard her.

2. évad 9. rész – New TV

Mr. Kim: – Health is so important.
Mrs. Kim: – You have Twinkie for breakfast.

2. évad 11. rész – Good Neighbours

Jung: – So I saw you talking to the courier the other day.
Kimchee: – Yeah, gonna ask her out. (…)
Terence is going out with her this Saturday.
Jung: – Why is she going out with Terence?
Kimchee: – I don't know. Why're there flying squirrels? Universe is a crazy place.

3. évad 10. rész – Elephant in the Room

Jimmy: – Uh-oh! Pastor Nina think I being sexy again.
Pastor Nina: – It's sexist.

3. évad 12. rész – Hit 'n' Fun

Mrs. Kim (to Mr. Kim): – You work so hard. Maybe I bring you cookie and tea in bed. Like in fancy hotel or hospital.

3. évad 13. rész – Lord of the Ring

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