Isten és Ördög a Nap földjén (1964) 4

Black God, White Devil · Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol
120' · brazil · dráma, krimi

Manuel, a marhahajcsár és felesége, Rosa keresik a szabadulást nyomorúságos életükből. Szerencsétlen bolyongásuk során a brazil történelem három alakjával találkoznak össze, akikhez számor mítosz és történet kapcsolódik. Az egyik a „fekete isten”-ként megjelenő Sebastiao próféta, aki aranyesőt… [tovább]

Képek 15


Geraldo Del ReyManuel
Maurício do ValleAntonio das Mortes
Yoná MagalhãesRosa
Othon BastosCorisco
Lidio SilvaSebastião
Sonia Dos HumildesDadá
João GamaPap
Antonio PintoEzredes
Milton RosaMoraes
Roque SantosRoque

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 9

Népszerű idézetek


– On the other side of this holy mountain…there is a bountiful land. The horses eat flowers. Children drink milk out of the rivers. And rocks turn into bread. Dust becomes flour. There's water and food, the abundance of Heaven. And every day when the sun rises…Jesus Christ and the Virgin can be seen…


– The Island doesn't exist. We have it inside our souls.
– If it doesn't exist…why must we search for it all our lives?


– God separated the earth from the sky. But he was wrong. When I put them back together… the island will be visible to all.


– My wife has the devil in her! Tomorrow golden rain will fall. The land will become the sea… and the sea will become the land! When we get to the island…we'll clean the souls of the sinners… with the blood of the innocent.


– What's your name?
– Manoel.
– That's a cowherd's name. I'll give you another one. From now on, your name is…Satan! Now let's get on with our war against the Government.


– A man is a man when he uses his gun to change his fate. Not a cross, Satan. A dagger or a rifle!

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