Gertrud beleszeret egy fiatal férfibe, de mind a férjében, mind a fiúban csalódnia kell. Az ibseni drámához hasonló hangulatú történetet Dreyer hidegséggel és érdektelenséggel ábrázolja.
Gertrúd (1964) 8★
Képek 7
Nina Pens Rode | Gertrud Kanning |
Bendt Rothe | Gustav Kanning |
Ebbe Rode | Gabriel Lidman |
Baard Owe | Erland Jansson |
Axel Strøbye | Axel Nygen |
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 12
Népszerű idézetek
– Life…is a dream.
– Life?
-Yes. Life is a long, long row of dreams that overlap each other.
Gertrúd (1964) 89%
– We discover infinity and eternity in sexual ecstasy. This is the greatness of your concept of eroticism. This is love without boundaries. For this love man was created and called upon.
Gertrúd (1964) 89%
– No, one can't remember everything one says, but your confession went, „I believe in the pleasures of the flesh, and the irreparable loneliness of the soul.”
– It sounds as if it could be me.