Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 85

Kiemelt értékelések


Ebben a filmben semmi fantázia nincs.. Unalmas kliséhalmaz.


Borzasztóan unalmas volt. Tipikusan az a film, amit teljesen fölösleges volt megcsinálni. Nem éreztem a drámát, nem kötődtem a szereplőkkel. Timothée Chalamet miatt érdekelt, de szerintem most alul múlta saját magát. A sztori kiszámítható volt, a karakterek motivációjának nem volt tétje. Ennél többet várok egy filmtől. A három csillag annak szól, hogy nagyon bírom TC-et, és még alacsony lángon is mutat némi tartalmat a játéka.

Népszerű idézetek


This man walks into a bar with his pet giraffe, and the giraffe just goes to sleep on the floor. And there is a… there is a bartender in the bar and he says: Hey… Hey, what's that lyin' there? You know… And the guy says: That's not a lion, that's a giraffe.


Happens every summer. When the air is so heavy you can't breathe. The nights turn long and sleepless and the stars feel like they're burning out above your head. The whole world feels like it's falling. When you long for cooler times. Do you know what it is? It's gonna tear you apart.


People loved Jesus and macaroni salad, and they hang American flags above front doors that they never locked.


It was 96 degrees the first time he saw that cold-blooded motherfucker, Hunter Strawberry. And Hunter Strawberry wasn't sweating.


Daniel's mother: Daniel, if I wanted to talk to something that didn't talk back, I'd get a cat.


McKayla: What's your name?
Daniel: Uhm Daniel, but people call me Danny.
McKayla: Why Danny?
Daniel: Because… It's cool.
McKayla: I don't really think it's cool, so I'm just gonna call you Daniel. Cool?
Daniel: Cool. Very cool.


Hunter: You can't make people buy what they don't want.
Daniel: And how could we make them want it?


McKayla: You can't hold on to everything.
Daniel: I think some things you can.
McKayla: Then I hope you're good at being hurt

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