Flux Gourmet (2022) 6

Egy kísérleti performanszművészekből álló csoport, amely a „hang(os) étkeztetés” eljárásáról ismert (melynek során különböző ételekből zavaró hangokat nyernek ki), egy világvégi művészeti intézményben telepedik le, amelyet egy rejtélyes igazgató vezet. Egy középszerű és lenézett író kapja a… [tovább]

angol · angol

Képek 11


Leo Billműszaki asszisztens
Richard BremmerDr. Glock
Asa ButterfieldBilly Rubin
Gwendoline ChristieJan Stevens
Ariane LabedLamina Propria
Fatma MohamedElle di Elle
Makis PapadimitriouStones

Várólistára tette 8

Népszerű idézetek


– If the inflammation carries on like this, you aren't going to have any bowels left to fart out of.
– Am I going to die?
– Of course you're going to die. Name me a living thing that isn't going to die.


– And you never fart?
– Not as much as that. How many times do you fart?
– Never. I don't fart.
– Of course you fart.
– Have you ever heard me fart?
– No. But it's biologically impossible not to fart.


– My father only ever went to the kitchen to eat, and I saw what it did to my mother. She silently cooked and washed the dishes, pretending it couldn't be any other way, and he took her for granted, never once considering himself it could be another way. And, besides, he earned the money, even though she had to brush her own dreams and ambitions under the carpet to facilitate his earnings. She later claimed that no woman should live like this, but…but when my my brother's girlfriend moved in with him and didn't do her share of the cooking, she resented her. Jealousy usurped ideology, and it was clear that my mother expected other women to work as hard as she did in the kitchen, even though she knew it wasn't the way it should be. That struggle in her head between demanding freedom from the kitchen and being confined to it contaminated my brother's relationship and resulted in him leaving his girlfriend.

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