Egy filmrendező és a fia útnak indulnak Koker felé, ahol a Hol van a barátom háza? című film játszódott, hogy információkat szerezzenek a film szereplőiről. Az út első felében a faluba vezető országutat keresik, mivel a földrengés miatt a legtöbb út megsérült…
És az élet megy tovább (1992) 4★
Képek 8
Farhad Kheradmand | Film Director |
Buba Bayour | Puya |
Hossein Rezai | Hossein |
Hocine Rifahi | Hocine |
Ferhendeh Feydi | |
Mahrem Feydi | |
Bahrovz Aydini | |
Ziya Babai | |
Mohamed Hocinerouhi | |
Hocine Khadem |
The Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children & Young Adults
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Népszerű idézetek
In „Where Is the Friend's House?”, why were you older and humpbacked?
– Those people…put that hump on me. And they told me, „You have to look older.” I said, „Fine, whatever you say.” But I didn't like it. It didn't sit right with me. I don't know what kind of art it is that makes people look older and uglier than they are. Art is making people look a little younger. Making the young look older isn't art.
– Thank God you're still alive, and still looking young.
– No one appreciates youth until they grow old…or life until they stare death in the face. If the dead could come back and live again…they'd surely live better lives.
– Thank God your children survived.
– The three who were with me are all right, but my oldest daughter was visiting my parents, and she died in the quake. It was God's will.
– God doesn't enjoy killing people.
– If it wasn't him, who was it?
– The earthquake.
– May I ask you something? With the earthquake and all the mourning, you're going to watch the game?
– I'm in mourning too. I lost my little sister and three nieces and nephews. But what can we do? The World Cup comes once every four years, and life goes on. And an earthquake is once every 40 years. It's all in the Lord's hands.