Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 38

Kiemelt értékelések


Nagyon vártam, de valamiért meg sem közelítette azt, amire gondoltam. Én komolyan azt hittem, hogy ez egy jó film lesz, de igazából felejthetető sztori lett felejthető színészekkel sajnos.


This was such a beautiful and heartbreaking movie at the same time. The world needs more movie like this.

Népszerű idézetek


Marc: I've been reading that the brain is like a muscle. That's why getting over a death is so hard. Because your brain has been trained to feel things for a person. When they go away, your head is still operating under the impression that it should feel those things for that person. Like muscle memory.


Marc: Do I look older to you? I feel like I've aged a lot.
Thomas: No.
Sophie: Yes! Your husband just died. You're allowed. My God


Marc: I wanted to thank you both for this year. I would like to take us to Paris for the weekend. We all deserve some joy.
Sophie: Yes. Thank you. Where are we staying?


Esme: You must miss him.
Marc: It's complicated.
Esme: Yeah. Love is that way.


Thomas: I'm sorry you're having to deal with that, but I'm allowed to feel things too.


Sophie: People feel things that are inconvenient. That's okay.


Sophie: We have been here for you. We built you the nest, and we sat on you for a year. It's time to hatch. We love you. This is us… loving you.


Theo: These days everybody needs a parade to show how much they care about each other.


Psyhiology has a clever way of protection us from what we perceive to be a threat to our bodies. Which is why the more we close ourselves off the less we feel.

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