A híres író férje elvesztését gyászoló művész elviszi két legjobb barátját egy párizsi utazásra, ahol mocskos titkok és fájdalmas igazságok kerülnek napvilágra.
Édes búcsú (2023) 21★
Dan Levy | Marc |
Luke Evans | Oliver |
David Bradley | Duncan |
Celia Imrie | Imelda |
Ruth Negga | Sophie |
Himesh Patel | Thomas |
Gianni Calchetti | partivendég |
Cyrielle Debreuil | Esme |
Arnaud Valois | Theo |
Kaitlyn Dever | Lily Kayne |
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 38
Kiemelt értékelések
This was such a beautiful and heartbreaking movie at the same time. The world needs more movie like this.
Népszerű idézetek
Marc: I've been reading that the brain is like a muscle. That's why getting over a death is so hard. Because your brain has been trained to feel things for a person. When they go away, your head is still operating under the impression that it should feel those things for that person. Like muscle memory.
Marc: Do I look older to you? I feel like I've aged a lot.
Thomas: No.
Sophie: Yes! Your husband just died. You're allowed. My God
Marc: I wanted to thank you both for this year. I would like to take us to Paris for the weekend. We all deserve some joy.
Sophie: Yes. Thank you. Where are we staying?
Sophie: We have been here for you. We built you the nest, and we sat on you for a year. It's time to hatch. We love you. This is us… loving you.
Psyhiology has a clever way of protection us from what we perceive to be a threat to our bodies. Which is why the more we close ourselves off the less we feel.