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Armageddon Time (2022) 22★
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 70
Népszerű idézetek
Paul Graff: Sometimes kids at school say bad words about the Black kids.
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: What do you do when that happens?
Paul Graff: Obviously, nothing, of course.
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: Do you think that's smart?
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: [to Paul] In your life, you're going to have your ups and your downs. You'll have big highs, and you're going to have big lows. Yabba dabba doo. So what?
Cop: [in the police station, to handcuffed Johnny and Paul] Sit tight. Just trying to get somebody down here to talk to you. But we're all friends here.
Johnny Davis: You ain't my friend. If you're my friend, how come you guys ain't offering me no help? It's 'cause you don't care, and you're never gonna care. There ain't no one else gonna stick up for me except me.
Cop: You get it all out? Feel better?
Johnny Davis: [shrugs off the cop]