Áldottak (1986) 1

The Blessed Ones · De två saliga
81' · svéd · dráma

Sune – egy pap fia – félbehagyta teológiai tanulmányait. Egy templomban találkozik Vivekával, akivel végül összeházasodnak. Ahogy telnek az évek Viveka a féltékenység és szorongásai miatt egyre labilisabbá válik.

svéd · angol

Képek 12


Harriet AnderssonViveka Burman
Per MyrbergSune Burman
Christina SchollinAnnika
Lasse PöystiDr. Dettow
Irma ChristensonMrs. Storm
Björn GustafsonSzomszéd
Majlis GranlundTakarítónő
Kristina AdolphsonNővér
Margreth Weivers
Bertil Norström

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– Do you really believe in God?
– I can't live without God.
-True. No one can live without him.
– Do you believe too?


– Besides, there's no such thing as love. There's no place for it in this world. No place, and no time, either.
– It must exist. We can't exist without it.


– Once, when I was young, I hit Santa Claus. I started beating him like a mad person. When he tried to lift me, I bit him.
– You were just afraid.
– I was furious and wanted to kill him.
– Why?
– I just knew that I had to kill him before he started shouting about nice children. „Have you been nice, children?”
– Was it related to your father?
– No, it had nothing to do with him. I wanted to kill Santa, because…
– You have to work through this.
– It was the same thing as when I spat on God. I spat on that pillow with the eye. And when I couldn't do that, I started to punch. Children who want to kill God, that can't end well…
– I don't believe you wanted to kill God.
– Yes, I wanted to kill God…


– The world is now so evil that God can't support it anymore,…


– The whole of Sweden are run by the hate groups. The police and the social workers only want one thing: To kill love wherever it appears.


-…no one will enter Hell to help another person. No one.


– Love can't live in the world today, so we must die. We wanted love, but the world didn't allow this. That's why death is not a defeat, but a victory.

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