A nyomorultak vitathatatlanul a világ egyik legnépszerűbb musicalje. Hogy eme elképesztő show 25. évfordulóját megünnepeljék, a producerek két monumentális és teltházas előadást tartottak a londoni O2 stadionban, melyeket a világ számos mozijában élőben közvetítettek, ahol a látogatók az O2 élő… [tovább]
A nyomorultak – 25. évfordulós díszelőadás (2010) 13★
178' · egyesült királysági · dráma, musical, színházi felvétel !
Képek 4
Kedvencelte 10
Várólistára tette 17
Kiemelt értékelések
Zseniális koncert, bár őszintén szólva, nekem hiányzott a rendes színpadi mozgás, a teljes díszlet, teljes játék, hogy igazán átjöjjön a történet (függetlenül attól, hogy egyébként A nyomorultak nagyon nagy mértékben alkalmas a „koncertfilm” formátumra, mert gyakorlatilag csak és kizárólag zene). Ugyan a színészek mindent beletettek, de úgy, hogy mikrofonok előtt állnak, még ha jelmezben is, elvész egy pici a varázsból.
A cast egyszerűen parádés, tényleg összeválogatták a legjobbakat. Lea Salonga nem annyira könyvhű Fantine, de hihetetlenül erős a játéka, Alfie Boe pedig mintha a regény lapjairól lépett volna ki, arcra, alkatra is annyira olyan, amilyennek Valjeant képzelné az ember. Megvan benne a kedvesség, a szomorúság, a vívódás, mintha mindig kicsit könnyes lenne a szeme, mikor színpadra lép. Samantha Barks okkal kapta meg a filmben is Éponine szerepét – az On My Own-t szerintem senki nem énekli ekkora erővel. Nick Jonas… hallottam, hogy elég sok kritikát kapott, ő nagyon a celeb casting kategória, de igazából Marius szerepéhez hozta, amit kellett. Nem rossz a hangja, nagyon naiv, nagyon gyerekes, kicsit néha fogja rajta a fejét a néző, teljesen hiteles. Ramin Karimloo és Hadley Fraser zseniális Enjolras és Grantaire; de nem tudtam elvonatkoztatni a ténytől, hogy nekem Ramin Karimloo Erik, a Fantom, Hadley Fraser pedig Raoul, a naiv szerelmes. Ráadásul a két karakter egy ponton elkezdi emlegetni az Operát Marius nagy románca kapcsán, és onnantól kész, nem tudtam nem azt vizionálni, hogy a Fantom előmászott a csatornából forradalmat játszani, Raoulnak meg valamikor problémái adódtak az alkohollal. Norm Lewis szintén egy elég jó Javert volt – alapvetően ott lenne vele ugyanaz a probléma, ami a 2018-as casttal, hogy sajnos ennél a karakternél számít a bőrszíne, de ez egyrészt színpadi feldolgozás volt (aminél szerintem mindig megengedőbbnek kell lenni – a japán Elisabethnél is elnéztem, hogy mindenkit ázsiaiak játszanak), másrészt még koncertfilm is, tehát itt tényleg a hang jelentette a döntő tényezőt, az pedig Norm Lewisnak csodálatos. Katie Hall Cosette-je az, akit kicsit felejthetőnek éreztem, de Cosette eleve nem a történet legerősebb eleme, szóval annyira nem zavart.
A zene természetesen fantasztikus, az embert elkapja az érzés, hogy énekelni akarja a Do you hear the people sing?-et, a Red and Black-et, sírhatnékja van a Dreamed a dream-en… egyszerűen csak zseniálisan lett összerakva ez a musical, és megérdemelte ezt a 25. évfordulós ünnepet. Mindenképp ajánlom, hogy adjatok ennek a változatnak egy esélyt, mert egy egészen különleges élmény.
Azt hiszem, kevesebb koncertfilmet kellene néznem, mert ezektől állandóan bezsongok, és nem bírom abbahagyni az éneklést. Én egy ideje elvoltam azzal, hogy láttam a Nyomorultak-filmeket, s hiába a vásznon nem tudták visszaadni azt a csődületet, amit a könyv okozott, nem vágytam többre. Aztán @Lonely felhívta a figyelmemet erre a csodára, és ma végre sikerült sort kerítenem neki. Hát…. húha, két órával a megtekintése után is olyan érzések kavarognak bennem, mint a Fantom vagy a Devil's Carnival-filmek után, pedig azokat élőben láttam. Remek szereposztás, a hangjuk is passzolt, én pedig felkiáltottam, hogy NA, ÍGY KELL IGAZI MUSICALT CSINÁLNI! Még biztos, hogy megnézem párszor, és nem felejtem el ezt a csodás élményt. :)
Az egyik legkedvencebb előadásom ! Jobban szeretem mint a 2012-es musicalfilmet. Igen ! Nagyon jó szereposztás, és hihetetlen hangulat … többször szó szerint libabőrös lettem XD
És hát Alfie Boe Bring Him home-ja !!! *.* Verhetetlen ! Még úgy is az ő verziója van rám a legnagyobb hatással, hogy azóta személyes kedvencemtől , Josh Groban-től is hallhatom ezt a dalt …
Szóval örök kedvenc :)
Népszerű idézetek
Look down, look down
Don't look 'em in the eye
Look down, look down,
You're here until you die
Now bring me prisoner 24601
Your time is up
And your parole's begun
You know what that means.
Jean Valjean:
Yes, it means I'm free.
Follow to the letter your itinerary
This badge of shame you'll show until you die
It warns you're a dangerous man
Jean Valjean:
I stole a loaf of bread.
My sister's child was close to death
And we were starving.
You will starve again
Unless you learn the meaning of the law.
Jean Valjean:
I know the meaning of those 19 years
A slave of the law
Five years for what you did
The rest because you tried to run
Yes, 24601.
Jean Valjean:
My name is Jean Valjean
And I am Javert
Do not forget my name!
Do not forget me!
Look down, look down
You'll always be a slave
Look down, look down
You're standing in your grave.
Jean Valjean:
What have I done?
Sweet Jesus, what have I done?
Become a thief in the night
Become a dog on the run
Have I fallen so far
And is the hour so late
That nothing remains but the cry of my hate
The cries in the dark that nobody hears
Here where I stand at the turning of the years?
If there's another way to go
I missed it twenty long years ago
My life was a war that could never be won
They gave me a number and murdered Valjean
When they chained me and left me for dead
Just for stealing a mouthful of bread
Yet why did I allow that man
To touch my soul and teach me love?
He treated me like any other
He gave me his trust
He called me brother
My life he claims for God above
Can such things be?
For I had come to hate the world
This world that always hated me
Take an eye for an eye
Turn your heart into stone
This is all I have lived for
This is all I have known
One word from him and I'd be back
Beneath the lash, upon the rack
Instead he offers me my freedom
I feel my shame inside me like a knife
He told me that I have a soul
How does he know?
What spirit comes to move my life?
Is there another way to go?
I am reaching, but I fall
And the night is closing in
As I stare into the void
To the whirlpool of my sin
I'll escape now from that world
From the world of Jean Valjean
Jean Valjean is nothing now
Another story must begin
At the end of the day you're another day older
And that's all you can say for the life of the poor
It's a struggle, it's a war
And there's nothing that anyone's giving
One more day standing about, what is it for?
One day less to be living
At the end of the day you're another day colder
And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill
And the righteous hurry past
They don't hear the little ones crying
And the plague is coming on fast, ready to kill
One day nearer to dying
At the end of the day there's another day dawning
And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
Like the waves crash on the sand
Like a storm that'll break any second
There's a hunger in the land
There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
And there's gonna be hell to pay
At the end of the day
At the end of the day, you get nothing for nothing
Sitting flat on your bum doesn't buy any bread
There are children back at home
And the children have got to be fed
And you're lucky to be in a job
And in a bed
And we're counting our blessings
Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?
With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?
It's because little Fantine won't give him his way
Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands
And the boss, he never knows
That the foreman is always on heat
If Fantine doesn't look out
Watch how she goes
She'll be out on the street
At the end of the day it's another day over
With enough in your pocket to last for a week
Pay the landlord, pay the shop
Keep on working as long as you're able
Keep on working 'til you drop
Or it's back to the crumbs off the table
For you've got to pay your way
At the end of the day
And what have we here, little innocent sister?
Oh, come on Fantine, let's have all the news
„Dear Fantine, you must send us more money
Your child needs a doctor
There's no time to lose”
Give that letter to me
It is none of your business
With a husband at home
And a bit on the side
Is there anyone here
Who can swear before God
She has nothing to fear?
She has nothing to hide?
Jean Valjean:
What is this fighting all about?
Someone tear these two apart
This is a factory, not a circus
Come on ladies, settle down
I am the mayor of this town
I run a business of repute
Deal with this foreman
Be as patient as you can
Yes, Monsieur Madeline
I might have known the bitch could bite
I might have known the cat had claws
I might have guessed your little secret
Ah yes, the virtuous Fantine
Who keeps herself so pure and clean
You'd be the cause I had no doubt
Of any trouble hereabout
You play a virgin in the light
But need no urgin' in the night
She's been laughing at you
While she's having her men
She'll be nothing but trouble again and again
You must sack her today
Sack the girl today
Right my girl, on your way
Monsieur le Maire, Monsieur le Maire
Monsieur le Maire, please, please, Monsieur, I have a child
There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung
No wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hopes apart
As they turn your dreams to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And I still dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather!
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now, from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed
Little Cosette:
There is a castle on a cloud
I like to go there in my sleep
Aren't any floors for me to sweep
Not in my castle on a cloud
There is a lady all in white
Holds me and sings a lullaby
She's nice to see and she's soft to touch
She says, „Cosette, I love you very much”
I know a place where no one's lost
I know a place where no one cries
Crying at all is not allowed
Not in my castle on a cloud
Jean Valjean:
He thinks that man is me
He knew him at a glance!
That stranger he has found
This man could be my chance!
Why should I save his hide?
Why should I right this wrong
When I have come so far
And struggled for so long?
If I speak, I am condemned.
If I stay silent, I am damned!
I am the master of hundreds of workers.
They all look to me.
How can I abandon them?
How would they live
If I am not free?
If I speak, I am condemned.
If I stay silent, I am damned!
Who am I?
Can I condemn this man to slavery
Pretend I do not feel his agony
This innocent who bears my face
Who goes to judgement in my place
Who am I?
Can I conceal myself for evermore?
Pretend I'm not the man I was before?
And must my name until I die
Be no more than an alibi?
Must I lie?
How can I ever face my fellow men?
How can I ever face myself again?
My soul belongs to God, I know
I made that bargain long ago
He gave me hope when hope was gone
He gave me strength to journey on
Who am I? Who am I?
I am Jean Valjean!
And so Javert, you see it's true
That man bears no more guilt than you!
Who am I?
At Notre Dame,
The sections are prepared!
At Rue de Bac,
They're straining at the leash!
Students, workers, everyone,
There's a river on the run,
Like the flowing of the tide,
Paris coming to our side!
The time is near…
So near, it's stirring the blood in their veins!
And yet beware…
Don't let the wine go to your brains!
For the army we fight is a dangerous foe
With the men and the arms that we never can match.
Oh, it's easy to sit here and swat 'em like flies,
But the national guard will be harder to catch.
We need a sign
To rally the people,
To call them to arms,
To bring them in line!
Marius, you're late.
What's wrong today?
You look as if you've seen a ghost.
Some wine and say what's going on!
A ghost you say…a ghost maybe.
She was just like a ghost to me.
One minute there, then she was gone!
I am agog!
I am aghast!
Is Marius in love at last?
I've never seen him 'ooh' and 'aah.'
You talk of battles to be won,
And here he comes like Don Juan.
It's better than an opera!
It is time for us all
To decide who we are.
Do we fight for the right
To a night at the opera now?
Have you asked of yourselves
What's the price you might pay?
Is it simply a game
For rich young boys to play?
The color of the world
Is changing day by day.
Red – the blood of angry men!
Black – the dark of ages past!
Red – a world about to dawn!
Black – the night that ends at last!
Had you been there tonight
You might know how it feels
To be struck to the bone
In a moment of breathless delight!
Had you been there tonight
You might also have known
How the world may be changed
In just one burst of light!
And what was right
Seems wrong,
And what was wrong
Seems right.
I feel my soul on fire!
My world if she's not there!
The color of desire!
The color of despair!
Marius, you're no longer a child.
I do not doubt you mean it well,
But now there is a higher call.
Who cares about your lonely soul?
We strive toward a larger goal.
Our little lives don't count at all!
Red – the blood of angry men!
Black – the dark of ages past!
Red – a world about to dawn!
Black – the night that ends at last!
Well, Courfeyrac, do we have all the guns?
Feuilly, Combeferre, our time is running short.
Grantaire, put that bottle down!
Do we have the guns we need?
Give me brandy on my breath
And I’ll breathe them all to death!
At St. Antoine, they’re with us to a man!
At Notre Dame, they’re tearing up the stones!
Twenty rifles, good as new!
[Gavroche rushes in, shouting.]
Twenty rounds for every man!
Listen to me!
Jean Prouvaire:
Double that in Port St. Cloud!
Listen, everybody!
Seven guns in St. Martin!
General Lamarque is dead!
Lamarque is dead.
Lamarque! His death is the hour of fate.
The people's man.
His death is the sign we await!
On his funeral day, they will honor his name.
It's a rallying cry that will reach every ear!
In the death of Lamarque we will kindle the flame.
They will see that the day of salvation is near!
The time is here!
Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer.
Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts,
But a jubilant shout.
They will come one and all.
They will come when we call!
There, out in the darkness,
A fugitive running
Fallen from God
Fallen from grace
God be my witness
I never shall yield
Till we come face to face
Till we come face to face
He knows his way in the dark
Mine is the way of the Lord
And those who follow the path of the righteous
Shall have their reward
And if they fall
As Lucifer fell
The flames
The sword!
In your multitudes
Scarce to be counted
Filling the darkness
With order and light
You are the sentinels
Silent and sure
Keeping watch in the night
Keeping watch in the night
You know your place in the sky
You hold your course and your aim
And each in your season
Returns and returns
And is always the same
And if you fall as Lucifer fell
You fall in flames!
And so it must be for so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price!
Lord, let me find him
That I may see him
Safe behind bars
I will never rest
Till then
This I swear
This I swear by the stars!
That inspector thinks he's something
But it's me who runs this town!
And my theater never closes
And the curtain's never down
Trust Gavroche, have no fear
Don't you worry, auntie dear,
You can always find me here!