A nagyfiúvá cseperedő Cory Matthews megküzd a barátait, a családját és az iskolát érintő gondokkal.
A kis gézengúz (A kis gézengúz) (1993–2000) 1★
Képek 1
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 27
Népszerű idézetek
– How do you ask a girl out?
– Simple. You open the door and say 'Get out, you're bothering me'.
– There's one more thing.
– I don't have anything else of yours.
– Yeah, you do. You have all my feelings about you and I don't have any of yours. So everything I ever thought about you, I want back.
– So why can't we just tell each other how we feel?
– I don't know. It's confusing, huh?
– Yeah. We broke up, we agreed to move on…
– … and the next thing you know is we're kissing under the mistletoe.
– Yeah, and then Cory tells us how we should feel.
– We're not even sure ourselves.
– Oh, no Shawn. I'm sure. I love you, I've always loved you. I just wanted you to be sure what you felt.
– Well, when we broke up, I thought I wanted to be free. But… I couldn't stop thinking about you. That scares me. I don't know what to do with those feelings.
– You give into them, Shawn. Because then you would be in love with someone who loves you too, isn't that what you want?
Eric: Okay. When I was 12, Cory and I went to a Phillys game. My father gave me just enough money for two hot dogs, so I bought two hot dogs. 'Course, I realized by the time I got back to Cory, I ate them both. He cried!
Jack: This is very sad.
Eric: That was the happy part. You want sad? I went up and down the aisle, trying to collect money from people. A dime here, a quarter there. And I went and I bought Cory a hot dog. Man, he was so happy. He smiled, and then I smiled, because I felt good. You know, I mean I did the right thing, I was a good older brother. He started giggling… he reached his little hand out for that hot dog, and… took a foul ball right smack dab in the head, POW, knocked him unconcious. Cory doesn't giggle anymore.