Mary Gibson a bentlakásos iskolában értesül arról, hogy nővére, aki taníttatását fizeti, eltűnt. A lány a városba utazik, hogy megkeresse testvérét. A nyomok egy titkos férjhez és egy ördögimádó társasághoz vezetnek.
A hetedik áldozat (1943) 4★
Képek 17
Várólistára tette 12
Népszerű idézetek
– I'd like to see what books my friends read so I'll know what to buy them. Nothing nicer than a book for a gift.
– It's always seemed to me that she was sort of lonely and unhappy.
– Well, Mary, I guess most people are.
– I'm dying.
– No.
– Yes. I've been quiet. Oh, ever so quiet. I hardly move. And yet it keeps coming all the time, closer and closer. And I rest and I rest…and still I'm dying.
– And you don't wanna die? I've always wanted to die. Always.
– I'm afraid. And I'm tired of being afraid. Of waiting.
– Why wait?
– I'm not going to wait. I'm going out, and I'm going to laugh and dance…and do all the things I used to do.
– And then?
– I don't know.
– You will die.
– You're a poor, wretched group of people who have…taken the wrong turning.
– Wrong? Who knows what is wrong or right? If I prefer to believe in satanic majesty and power, who can deny me? What proof could you bring that good is superior to evil?