A hetedik áldozat (1943) 4

The Seventh Victim
71' · amerikai · dráma, horror, rejtély

Mary Gibson a bentlakásos iskolában értesül arról, hogy nővére, aki taníttatását fizeti, eltűnt. A lány a városba utazik, hogy megkeresse testvérét. A nyomok egy titkos férjhez és egy ördögimádó társasághoz vezetnek.


Képek 17


Tom ConwayDr. Louis Judd
Jean BrooksJacqueline Gibson
Isabel JewellFrances Fallon
Kim HunterMary Gibson
Evelyn BrentNatalie Cortez
Erford GageJason Hoag
Ben BardBrun
Hugh BeaumontGregory Ward
Marguerita SylvaBella Romari
Joan BarclayGladys

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– I'd like to see what books my friends read so I'll know what to buy them. Nothing nicer than a book for a gift.


– It's always seemed to me that she was sort of lonely and unhappy.
– Well, Mary, I guess most people are.

1 hozzászólás

– For me, this seems to be the end of a delightful relationship.


– I'm dying.
– No.
– Yes. I've been quiet. Oh, ever so quiet. I hardly move. And yet it keeps coming all the time, closer and closer. And I rest and I rest…and still I'm dying.
– And you don't wanna die? I've always wanted to die. Always.
– I'm afraid. And I'm tired of being afraid. Of waiting.
– Why wait?
– I'm not going to wait. I'm going out, and I'm going to laugh and dance…and do all the things I used to do.
– And then?
– I don't know.
– You will die.


– You're a poor, wretched group of people who have…taken the wrong turning.
– Wrong? Who knows what is wrong or right? If I prefer to believe in satanic majesty and power, who can deny me? What proof could you bring that good is superior to evil?

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