Together (2021) 5

A film az Egyesült Királyságban játszódik. Egy házaspár életét követhetjük a COVID-19 karantén elejétől napjainkig. A bezártság idején ők ketten átértékelik kapcsolatukat, miközben próbálják jó felé terelgetni 10 éves fiukat, Arthurt.


Képek 2


James McAvoyhe
Sharon Horganshe
Samuel LoganArthur

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she: We were just super different, poles apart. But at the time, you think „oh, opposites attract”. But do you know what else attracts? Serial killers to victims.


Never make decisions after a near-death experience.


He: Fair's fair, you did give me a great son.
She: I didn't give him to you, you fuck.


He: When we get the call from him tonight, it's the one that we've been dreading, right? „One of you can come in for 15 minutes to say goodbye.” […] She hangs up and she tells me, just real matter-of-fact, „It's happening. Jonathan says one of you can go in for 15 minutes to say goodbye and that we're lucky because most other places aren't even letting you do that”.


She: Just that I loved her, you know? And that I was proud of her and I was really grateful for the person that she was and everything she'd done for me, and I was just so so sorry that I'd never said any of that when she could hear me, you know… and that I loved her so much that my life was already hurting without her in it and I was worried that that hurt would never go away.


She: I can't escape the feeling that my mother didn't die, she was killed. The problem is that people don't understand the word 'exponential'. They think it means 'a lot' or 'quite vastly'. […] But it's worth taking the time to understand the mathematics of exponential growth. So you start with one, and you double it, say, every three days. You're doubling it every three days. So by the end of the week you've got four. One has become four. In a week. And by the end of the second week, you have 16. […] The eight give you 262.144. And if you go one week more, pretty much near as dammit to the two calendar months from when this whole thing started, you get 1.048.576. So the difference between the start of the first week and the end of the first week if four. And the difference between the start of the ninth week and the end of the ninth week is 786.432. So the same amount of days; hugely different numbers. […] What I've just done is illustrate the word 'exponential'. And it doesn't mean 'quite vastly'. What it means is… that timing matters. It's said that if we'd locked down one week earlier, just one week, that we could've saved 20.000 lives. So it seems to me that the word 'exponential' was not understood, but I just explained it to you in one minute 34 seconds, and you get it, right? It's not that hard, is it?
And the guidance was that you do not need to wear masks, and it remains very unlikely that people receiving care in care homes will become infected. And I'm gonna repeat that, I'm going to repeat the advice from the Department of Health and Social Care; „it remains very unlikely that people receiving care in care homes will become infected”. […]
And some local authorities theatened to withhold money from care homes if they didn't take in confirmed coronavirus patients. So they were sent into these places like some biological warfare.
In the first lockdown, it's said that 40% of the people who died from coronavirus, were from care homes, 40%. So you see, I can't escape the feeling that my mother was killed. And not by a car or a gun or a knife or a cricket bat or even by the virus. She was killed by stupidity.


He: I love you! I fucking love you. And I know that doesn't make much sense, because I kind of hate you as well. Or I've spent a lot of time hating you, but I don't think I do anymore. I think there's this chance that we've somehow ended up in this place that is the love that exists beyond hate. And the love that exists beyonde hate, not a lot of people get to go there. It's a fucking peculiar place.


He: I fucking hate you sometimes but I never despise you.


He: You are not a good person. You just need to read as a good person. See, the reason that you thought that you had poisoned me for all those years, is because you are actually capable of doing that to me, and more. At least I know when I'm being a piece of shit, but you, you are just a fucking shitty person that can't smell their own fucking stink.


He: Are you trying to say you love me?
She: No, I'm trying to say I sort of love you. And I'm just asking you, is that enough?

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