Szépséges fiatalság (2003) 6

The Best of Youth · La meglio gioventù
400' · olasz · dráma, romantikus

4 díj · 9 jelölés

A mind hazájában, mind külföldön nagy sikert aratott filmben egy testvérpár, Nicola és Matteo, valamint családjuk, barátaik sorsát követjük nyomon csaknem négy évtizeden keresztül.

olasz · francia

Képek 17


Luigi Lo CascioNicola Carati
Alessio BoniMatteo Carati
Adriana AstiAdriana Carati
Sonia BergamascoGiulia Monfalco
Fabrizio GifuniCarlo Tommasi
Maya SansaMirella Utano
Valentina CarneluttiFrancesca Carati
Jasmine TrincaGiorgia Esposti
Andrea TidonaAngelo Carati
Lidia VitaleGiovanna Carati

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 19

Népszerű idézetek


– Holy. Holy. Holy. Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. The world is holy. The soul is holy. The tongue. The cock. And hand. And asshole. Are holy.
– Who wrote this?
– A genius.
– What's his name?
– Allen Ginsberg.


– Did you see „Stromboli” with Bergman?
– Yes.
– I live there, but not for long.


– What do they have?
– Doctors used to diagnose them all as schizophrenics, but that means nothing.
– Means they are split in two.
– But who isn't? Are you a whole cop, am I a whole doctor? The truth is we don't understand a thing. All we know is that they have asylum sickness.
– How do you cure them?
– By opening up the wards.


– I still have a postcard you sent me from the North Cape in ’66. It was written in Norwegian. The translation underneath said: „Everything that exists is beautiful.” With three exclamation points. Do you still believe that?
– I don't believe in exclamation points anymore.


– I think of my father, mother, and you, how you've always said that everything is beautiful. I think you were right. Everything is truly beautiful.

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