Várólistára tette 16

Kiemelt értékelések

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– I think that real friends are like stars You can't always see them but you know that they're always there.


– Alex, can I please have intercourse with your house?
– Yeah, if you don't mind.
– I wanna come inside.


JAMIE: I'm gonna get changed. I smell like rotten cum. Not mine!
TRACEY: Your CEO's maybe?
JAMIE: Don't you fucking dare!


JAMIE: We need to crack that brie ASAP!
TRACEY: You're lactose intolerant.
JAMIE: No, I'm not!
TRACEY: Your farts were so rank last night, I literally couldn't breathe.
JAMIE: You're homophobic.
FRAN: No, dude, she's right. It's like on another level, and I think you should really see a doctor.
JAMIE: I don't need to see a doctor, OK? I want my cheese.


– You just care so much what people think about you. Can't stand the thought that maybe someone might think you're weird. They might know the real you. Might find out you have a heartbeat or feelings or a fucking soul. I'm real. And if that makes me a sissy, then so what? Great. I'm proud of that. You know, it's people like you that make the rest of us feel like shit.

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