Setsuko boldogtalan házasságban él Mimurával, egy mérnökkel, akinek nincs munkája és alkoholista. Mindig is szerelmes volt Hiroshi-ba, de a férfi évekkel ezelőtt Franciaországba távozott anélkül, hogy megkérte volna a kezét. Most visszatért, és Mariko – Setsuko nővére -megpróbálja újra… [tovább]
Munekata Kyodai (1950) 1★
Képek 60
Várólistára tette 1
Népszerű idézetek
– That's why cancer patients are not allowed stimulating…food. I have a friend who used to be my roommate. He's suffering from stomach cancer. I told him not to drink whisky. He said: „Forbid me anything except cigarettes.” Lately, he's even been drinking. He should have died a long time ago, but he's still all right and won't die any time soon. He doesn't believe me. It's a problem.
– I don't like temples.
– You were impressed by the Buddha statue, though.
– The one with the dark face? That's because it looked like Mrs. Shinoda. Statues are all the same. Some of them have this pose, others that. But they're all the same.
– You don't know anything. Shall we go to the Toshodai temple?
– Again?
– Why not? It's very near. It'll just be a moment.
– How boring! Why are there so many temples in Kyoto?
– You haven't read Hamlet, have you kamikaze? „To drink or not to drink, that's the question.”
– All you do is loaf around and drink!
– But loafing around and drinking is good, better perhaps than being a husband.
– All wives are stupid.
– They're just tools. Like a doorbell. Or a washing machine. Just tools. Do you understand?
– I agree, sir.