Moszkva nem hisz a könnyeknek (1980) 9

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears · Москва слезам не верит
142' · szovjet · dráma 12

1 díj · 1 jelölés

Moszkva az ötvenes években. A munkásszálláson egy szobában lakik három vidéki barátnő. Antonyina férjhez megy, gyerekeket nevel, szerető férje oltalmában. Ljudmilának a nagyváros maga a szerencsejáték, amelyben meg kell nyernie a boldogságot. Katyerina egyedül neveli kislányát, befejezi a… [tovább]

Képek 35


Vera AljontovaKatyerina
Alekszej BatalovGosa
Irina MuravjovaLjudmilla
Raisa RyazanovaAntonyina
Aleksandr FatyushinSergey 'Seryozha' Gurin
Boris SmorchkovNikolay
Yuriy VasilevRodion 'Rudolph' Rachkov
Natalya VavilovaAleksandra
Oleg TabakovVolodya
Jevgenyija KanajevaRacskov anyja

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 3

Várólistára tette 15

Népszerű idézetek


To love no less than a queen, to lose no less than a million.


– Have you been long at the TV?
– Two years now.
– It must be very interesting!
– Yes, very. Someday television will change our lives. We'll never go to the movies, and theatre and literature will die. We'll only be interested in television.


– Rudy said that in the West they celebrate special events in restaurants. They have all gone crazy over there. What kind of food can you get in a restaurant?


– You got to have a television.
– Absolutely. When the furniture's paid up we're going to buy a TV set.
– Tonia, you'd better start with the television set. Because the television is the future of mankind.


– In life, there's such a thing as luck, you know. That's why I buy a lottery ticket every week.
– You win yet?
– Sure I did. I won a ruble twice.


– I'm always holding you up to the children as an example. You've achieved everything you wanted to.
– Only don't tell them that once you've gotten everything you wanted you feel like howling.

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