Shôji a házasélet és a munkája monotonitása elől úgy menekül, hogy viszonyt kezd egy irodai munkatársával…
Korai tavasz (1956) 1★
Képek 69
Népszerű idézetek
– Anyway, there's not much fun in the world right now. Nobody's completely happy.
– Best to accept that and live humbly.
– Exactly. That's the only way.
– Well, I guess you're right.
– We drank like fishes in China. And killed dogs to make sukiyaki.
– It was delicious. Nothing tastes as good as that here.
– You think? Try eating it now. It'll be so stinky, you'll gag.
– You might be right!
– Nishijima was a great dog catcher. He hardly ever failed.
– Too right.
– Yeah, Miura probably died happy. We're both still alive, but I don't think we're so happy.
– I didn't want a kid either, but I gradually grew fond of him. Then he died of infant cholera. I couldn't stop crying.
– Yeah? It's like that?
– We wanted another one, but no luck. You should have yours.
– Who knows what it'll be?
– Nobody knows that. It could be another Hideyoshi Toyotomi, or Karl Marx.
– Mr. Sugiyama's popular.
– Was she jealous?
– Something like that. Your father was much worse. On our wedding night, he and his friends went to Yoshiwara.
– What did you do?
– Nothing. I thought that was how men behaved.