A harmincas évek Németországában játszódó történet hőse egy dúsgazdag gyáros, akit nem tesznek boldoggá sem az anyagi javak, sem vonzó felesége. Egy különös találkozás hatására úgy dönt, kilép eddigi életéből és egy egészen másfajta életbe kezd.
Várólistára tette 14
Népszerű idézetek
– What's that accident all about?
– What accident?
– In America! Why should it matter to you?
– It doesn't say anything about an accident…it says just to go crash. Collapse!
-The whole street collapsed?
-…Wall Street…
– Were people killed?
– Just a few. Mostly jumping out of windows. Nearly all of them were stock holders.
– Who the hell wears red socks!?
– Oh! They're Ardalion's…He's always taking his socks off. You know what it's like.
– Your cousin stinks. He should be in a zoo.
– Did you hear that Mr. Müller had resigned?
– No. How could he resign…without telling me?
– Telling you, sir?
– Yes, me. Am I mad? Do I own this factory? Or am I some tramp? Wandering around, looking for a job?
– Oh. Not our Mr. Müller. I mean the chancellor. The government has resigned.
– Oh, the government…
– Listen. The National Socialists are against the Socialists…and also against the Nationalists.
– That's stupid! It doesn't make sense!
– And the People's Party is against the people!
– I like sparrows! I… I like sparrows. I… I understand them. Street beggars. I like squirrels, too, and moles are all right. I'd like the world to be full of squirrels and moles because…they are against landlords.
– You are a philosopher.
– Philosophy is an invention of the rich. So is religion… poetry. I don't believe in love either.