Nuri Bilge Ceylan legújabb, Elszáradt füvekről című, festői szépségű filmjében a kiábrándult Samet Isten háta mögötti falucskában tanít Kelet-Anatóliában, Törökország kurdok lakta részén. Abban reménykedik, hogy egyszer majd a ranglétrán feljebb jut, és Isztambulban kap állást. A férfi egyhangú… [tovább]
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 32
Népszerű idézetek
– That's the real problem.
– What?
– Educated people like you getting lost in uncertainties. They leave the public arena to the ignorant.
– Maybe the public arena was designed for them. Isn't it obvious that division is human? Ideologies and even goals can easily be misused to satisfy objectives.
– Should've kept to herding instead of teaching. At least I'd have some peace.
– That's for sure. Better off herding sheep in the mountains than at school.
– Who was it that said…"Youth is such a wonderful thing, what a pity it's wasted on the young"?
– I cured two cows for this one guy. Then he came and shot my dog.
– Why?
– Because he's human. Yeah, he's human.
– I think justice is a utopian idea. Equality too. For that, everyone has to be the same, which is nonsense. Everything's different. The world is a struggle between different, ever-moving forces. History is the sum of that, but we don't accept it.
– You know very well, the actions of a society are not equal to the sum of its individual parts. Isn't that reason enough to stay away from the herd? Whatever their reasons or motivations?
– The well-off may have that luxury.
– A proverb says, „If you travel in a herd, all you'll see are asses.”
– Well for some, those asses might mean a blessing, security, and warmth. Right?
– I guess.